44 - Cry On My Shoulder

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"I'm sorry I didn't stop him earlier. I was trying to record him on the video."

"It's alright." I sighed and looked at Tiffany. For some reason no matter how bad I was feeling her beautiful eyes could always calm me down. Every time I looked at them I felt so safe as if I was spending time with a sister I never had. "I understand. You needed to get the evidence. What are you going to do with that video though? Don't you think it would be better if we showed it to the authorities before something bad happens?"

"Yeah, I agree but I don't think this video's going to be enough to put Mason in jail. I filmed it from the back so his face isn't even visible and his attorney could easily claim that it's not him at all. I'll still go and talk to his father though. He seemed like a reasonable man and I'm sure once he sees this, he'll at least try to stop his son from becoming a criminal. If not then I guess I'm going to have to do it myself. Don't worry, you and everyone else are going to be safe as long as that moron thinks I have him recorded on my phone."

I was about to respond when I heard someone's footsteps from behind me. I got scared and turned around quickly but when I saw Connor standing behind us my nervousness practically disappeared. Tiffany turned around as well after a few seconds but when she made eye contact with Connor she rolled her eyes and tried to walk away.

"No, Tiffany, please wait..." Connor started and Tiffany stopped moving but she became even angrier than before. "I wanted apologize. I didn't mean to..."

"Are you fucking kidding me, Connor?" She sighed and looked him in the eyes. "First of all you should be apologizing to Jesse, not me and more importantly I never want to see your face ever again."

"I'm sorry. I made a mistake. Please forgive me..."

"I'm sick and tired of your apologies." Tiffany suddenly exploded and pushed Connor against the wall. She was taller than Connor so it wasn't even hard for her to intimidate him. All she had to do was look down on him and he would practically melt in front of her. "Didn't you have enough? Was my brother not enough for you? Now you want to ruin someone else's life too? I swear to god, Connor, if I ever see you go near Jesse ever again I will slit your throat. Now get lost!"

Poor Connor's eyes became teary and he soon ran away from us. I wanted to go and comfort him but I didn't know him that well and he might have thought I was intruding in his personal space.

"Um... don't get me wrong but why are you being so mean to him? He was just jealous. It's really not that deep." I told Tiffany once she finally seemed peaceful again.

"He deserves it." She responded with a soothing tone. I didn't know why but she was always so nice to me and that wouldn't be surprising if she wasn't so mean towards her actual friends. "I thought I could teach him a lesson and keep him from hurting anyone else but it seems like I should have been way stricter."

"If you don't mind me asking, can you tell me why you think he'll harm me?" I started awkwardly. I was trying to make her feel comfortable enough to tell me the truth if she wanted but I didn't want to make it look like I was pressuring her. "...Does this have something to do with you brother? I... hope you won't be angry but I asked Tae-soo about him and he said that your brother passed away about a year ago. Is that true?"

Tiffany's facial expression became so sad all of a sudden that I immediately regretted asking her about her brother and I was about to apologize but she opened her mouth before me and said. "Yeah... it's true. Zack's gone..."

I felt so guilty and ashamed that for a second I didn't even know what to do. Tiffany became so distressed and it was all because of me but I figured if I didn't ask her now then I would never do it in the future. "But what does Connor have to do with that?"

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