67 - Blood Moon (Part 1)

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I have to do something...

I can't just sit here and wait while Violet is doing who knows what to Andrew.

I have to warn him somehow.

I know she said she didn't kill her mother and I believed her about that part but I'm not sure if I can completely trust her. She has done some questionable things throughout our acquaintanceship. And not only that, she also mentioned she would get revenge on Peter Wilson by any means necessary.

You know what they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She could be blinded by her anger and grieve just like her mother once was and there's definitely a possibility that she wants to avenge Kristen's death by hurting the soul who Peter Wilson loves the most – Andrew.

I certainly can't take my chances when it comes to the topic this important. I can't simply stand by and watch everything from afar.

Violet was right about one thing. I am too passive sometimes. I must be more proactive if I don't want everything to end poorly.

I'm done waiting... It's time to take charge.

I have to be brave. I need to save Andrew...

I can't let her harm him.

I will rescue him even if it's the last thing I ever do...


Soon Violet took the car keys and left the building and I was left alone there with Mason to watch over me. I had to come up with an idea that would help me run away from him and I also needed to somehow contact Andrew before Violet would reached him.

I knew this wasn't going to be easy but there was no other way.

A few minutes passed and after brainstorming about how in the world I would be able to escape I had a revelation. But the idea that I just got was so dreadful and nightmarish that I had to rethink it.

However the clock was ticking and I couldn't let my doubts get to me. If there had been any other way I probably would have thought of it by then but since I could only cogitate on one plan that I just came up with I finally decided to put all my fears aside and opened my mouth.

"So... How'd you end up in this mess?" I asked hesitantly while eyeing Mason who was staring at his phone.

"None of your fucking business, loser..." He looked up and growled angrily but I could feel how nervous he was so I realized this was the perfect time to manipulate with his emotions and the fact that he wasn't the smartest dude on the planet would probably be very helpful right about now. "Just be quiet until I say otherwise."

"But I'm so bored..." I complained teasingly and sneaked a cheeky smile to confuse him even more. "And... uh... I was hoping you'd be able to cheer me up somehow."

"I'm not sure I understood that correctly..." Mason looked baffled, or maybe that was just his face, I couldn't really tell since he always seemed pretty dense to me. "What do you have in mind?"

"Oh... I don't know... We can do whatever you want." I rose my eyebrows seductively for a second so he would finally take a hint.

"What are you plotting?" Mason still remained indecisive. "The love of your life is in a great danger and you're out here trying to persuade me to have sexual intercourse with you... What's all that about?"

"Love of my life?" I chuckled wickedly. "Don't make me laugh... I don't even like Andrew. He's so pathetic. I could never love someone like him. Plus he lied to me multiple times and because of him my sexuality was revealed to everyone in my hometown so I was forced to move away. He ruined my life and I'll never forgive him for that. I'm only seeing him now so I can dump him later and break his heart. He deserves to suffer as much as I did. Every bad thing that happened to me is his fault." I hoped that my attempt of insulting Andrew would sound convincing. "Actually to be completely honest I secretly always had a crush on you... Don't tell me you didn't notice. I wasn't really trying to hide it. I thought it was pretty obvious."

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