46 - Skeleton Mask

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Where am I?

Why is it so hot in here?

How did I even get here?

Those were the questions in my mind while I was walking on a strange road which at first seemed unfamiliar but soon I recognized some parts of it.

I was in my hometown but I didn't remember when I arrived there or where I was going.

I just kept walking because I couldn't stop. I wanted to stop but for some reason whenever I thought of that this weird feeling of anxiousness forced me to ignore all my worries and just continue walking.

After a while I came across my parents' house and my stomach dropped from nervousness when I saw the front door opening.

My mom and dad walked out of the building together. They were even holding hands and looked happier than ever.

As if that wasn't strange enough when my dad locked the door he went closer to my mother and kissed her.

"I love you so much, Veronica." He added once their lips finally parted.

"I love you more, Richard." Mom responded with a sweet tone.

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard how romantic they were towards each other. Back then they didn't even speak to one another without arguing.

After that they came towards me and I panicked because I was afraid of their reaction when they'd see me but to my surprise they didn't even acknowledge my presence.

I tried to back away when they got too close to me to let them pass but for some reason it felt like I was frozen on the spot. They were so busy staring at each other that I got scared they'd bump into me and I tried to warn them but they completely ignored me yet again and just walked right through me as if I were a ghost. And I don't mean it metaphorically. They literally walked right through me but I wasn't even able to touch them.

What the hell is going on? Am I... dead?

I decided to test my theory and went closer to some other people who were walking on the street. They also couldn't hear or touch me for some unexplained reason.

I got so worried that for a few seconds I didn't even know what I was supposed to do but then I saw my friends Lucy and Felicity sitting on a public bench. They seemed extremely happy but when I got closer to them I was able to see something very unusual. Lucy was using the sign language to communicate with Felicity instead of talking which she had never done before. She wasn't even that good at sign language but I didn't question her weird behavior. Instead I tried to make them notice me.

Unfortunately neither of my friends were able to hear me and I got even more frustrated. I didn't know what was going on and I certainly didn't like it.

I mean don't get me wrong being invisible was one of my deepest desires when I was a closeted individual who was scared of everything. At some point in my life I wanted everyone to just ignore me but that definitely didn't include my friends.

When I finally realized they'd never even look at me because they couldn't even see me I gave up and just kept walking on the road which seemed to be endless. While I was on the way I noticed some of the people I knew. I even met Matt and Briana. They were fighting for some reason but I didn't even bother to stop and talk to them because I knew they would also not be able to hear me.

Once I was about to lose all my hope the strangest thing happened. I bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there..." I tried to apologize but then realized what just happened. "Wait, you can see me, right?"

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