60 - We're Here For You

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"I'm almost home... I'm just picking up some groceries on my way and I'll head straight back soon." I spoke on the phone.

It was a Saturday morning so I decided to go out for a walk and then visited the store. Breathing the fresh air was definitely helpful. That was something I needed to do more often.

"Okay, honey, just don't take too long... You have visitors so make sure to come back quickly!" I heard grandma's sweet tone on the line.

"What visitors?" I immediately questioned her.

"Come here and see for yourself!" She replied without hesitating.

"Alright..." Even though I was very curious about what was going on in my house I didn't bother to ask grandmother again because I knew she wouldn't have told me anyways. "I'll see you there!"

"Bye, honey!" Grandma said before hanging up the phone.

Unsurprisingly I definitely wanted to find out who my guests were but at the same time I didn't want to go back home. I wasn't exactly known for my hospitality so hearing that someone was waiting for me at my house was clearly not one of my wildest dreams.

I stopped rambling after a few moments because I realized there was no point in postponing this gathering since it was inevitable. Obviously I didn't want my visitors to wait for too long so I tried my best to get back at my grandma's house as quickly as I could.

When I was nearing my destination I saw a car parked close to my home which I immediately identified since I had seen it many times before. But it was hard for me to believe that this was actually happening and I wasn't dreaming.

I grabbed my grocery bags tighter and started walking so fast that I almost tripped and fell at one point. Thankfully that didn't happen or it would have been a disaster since there were eggs in one of my bags and if I had fallen they would have shattered for sure.

Once I finally reached to the entrance of my house I didn't want to wait any longer so I opened the door as quickly as I could. It was a little troublesome to do that while I was simultaneously carrying a few quite heavy objects with my hands but I somehow managed not to drop anything.

When I walked inside my suspicion turned out to be correct. I saw my old friends sitting in the kitchen next to my grandmother and chatting about something. They seemed awfully invested into the conversation. I of course didn't mean to pry so I coughed awkwardly to get everybody's attention.

"Hey!!! Where were you? We've been waiting for you for so long..." I heard Lucy's soft tone but this time she was actually standing right in front of me and we weren't just talking on the phone.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked and looked at my other friend Felicity who just stood up when she heard me talking. I gave them a quick but enthusiastic hug before parting away from their bodies to observe their faces and this whole situation.

"Are you unhappy that we decided to show up at your house?" Lucy commented with a playful smirk on her lips. "Because if that's the case then we can just leave..."

"No, don't be silly! I was just surprised... That's all." I responded calmly and finally put down the grocery bags that were bothering me this whole time. "It was really unexpected that you guys finally showed up here because I've been asking you to visit me for so long that I was starting to think you were never gonna come..."

"Actually we can't stay for long..." She looked at me with the most serious facial expression I'd ever seen on her.

"Wait, why?" I started complaining. "You literally just got here."

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