Chapter Three ↡ Article

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Chapter Three ↡ Article #1

Removal vans spotted at Kensington Palace as royals prepare to move out

Removal vans have been spotted at Kensington Palace as two senior members of The Royal Family prepare to move.

The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester have long been planning to vacate Apartment 1 in Kensington Palace to downsize, and now that looks set to become a reality.

Prince Richard, who is The Queen's cousin, and his wife Birgitte, are set to relocate to the Old Stables - a smaller residence still located within the Palace's estate.

Apartment 1 has 21 rooms, so it is hardly surprising that the couple want to downsize considering it is just the two of them who live there.

It was previously speculated that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were to move in to the apartment, however, they are now settled in Frogmore Cottage in Windsor.

Next door to the Gloucesters is the Cambridge family in their 20-room apartment - which is connected to the other with an adjoining door.

Apartment 1 was vacant for a number of years until 1972 when the then Prince and Princess Richard of Gloucester moved into the Palace.

The couple, who are now the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, weren't destined to a life of royal duties, but after the sudden death of the Duke's older brother, they became first-in-line to the Dukedom of Gloucester.

They have now quietly performed royals duties for over 40 years, working alongside over 200 charities and being present for most state occasions.

In 1995, the Duke's mother, Princess Alice, moved out of the family home she had shared with husband due to financial struggles and joined her son's family at the Palace, and that's where she died in 2004.

Prior to the Gloucesters living in Apartment 1, Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, used the building as her official London residence.

King George III's son, Prince Augustus Frederick, The Duke of Sussex, was the first to be given the use of the apartment.

The Duke of Sussex and his wife, the Duchess of Inverness, continued to reside at Kensington Palace until their deaths, both at the Palace, in 1843 and 1873, respectively.

Ahead of the move Richard and Birgitte had £400,000 worth of renovations done on the house.

A report from the royal account states: "The scheme allows for the complete refurbishment of the property including the old and failing mechanical and electrical systems.

"The project commenced in January 2019 and is due for completion in summer 2019."

But the question is who will now live in the vacated Apartment 1?

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