Chapter Twelve ↡ I Hate Them

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Chapter Twelve ↡ I Hate Them

Lucia and Antony are headed out for an event in London where they will be attending a seminar on domestic violence.

The day went well with the couple talking with domestic violence survivors and Antony speaking during the closing segment. They did not know a storm was waiting for them with the press outside.

As they walk out to their car, the camera start flashing and reporters start shouting questions. Lucia was struggling to see as Antony blocked her from the reporters.

Antony tenses up and goes to open the car door. Lucia follows closely behind, gripping his arm when she suddenly she stopped moving.

"Antony!" Lucia shout as she falls forward and Antony turns around and catches her before she hits the ground.

"Get her in the car!" Thomas, the head of Antony's protection officers team exclaimed as Antony climbs into the car and with Lucia in his arms.

"Take us to the nearest hospital!" Antony shouts.

"Breaking news! Lucia Bautista-Allen, the pregnant girlfriend of Prince Antony rushed to the hospital after fainting in public

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"Breaking news! Lucia Bautista-Allen, the pregnant girlfriend of Prince Antony rushed to the hospital after fainting in public." The new anchor says as a footage of the reporters crowding Antony and Lucia comes on the screen.

"This is bad." William said as he watches Lucia faint.

"I hate them." Harry said as Meghan quickly hands Archie to the nanny and dials Antony's phone number.

"We need to figure out what hospital they are in." Catherine said.

Meanwhile, the Queen has ordered security to surround the hospital as she is on her way to Antony and Lucia.

"Sir, Her Majesty, is her on her way to the hospital. Would you like to join her?" One of Charles' aides asked.

"Yes, of course please inform my sons about Antony and Lucia's whereabouts." Charles answered as he stands up and Camilla grabs her purse.

"Everything is going to be okay." Camilla says to her husband.

"I hope so or else there will be a war between this family and the media." Charles said as they head out to the car.

The news anchor comes back on.

"Lucia is currently trending all over social media and the public have gathered around. Let's here what one of them have to say." The news anchor says as he walks up to one lady who looks like she's in tears.

"Hello, how do you feel about what just transpired?" The news anchor asked.

"I feel horrible. Lucia is a member of the Royal family and she has been treated like trash when she has done nothing wrong. Shame on you weak racist fools. I pray that everything is well with Lucia." She answered.

The news anchor moves on to someone else.

"People have been watching their true colours since Meghan married into the family. Love is love and it's sad that these boys who lost their mother at a young age have to deal with the media treating the wives the same way they treated their mother. I'm an American and I stand with Catherine, Meghan, and Lucia. You women are icons that they don't deserve." She said.

The news anchor moves on to someone else.

"What more do the press want from the Wales boys? Their mother was scarified for the greedy hands to make money and now they want to do the same to the boys' wives. Truly, sick! Shame on the British press for their disgusting behavior." A man says.

"It seems to be a full on war against the press as the public continues to gather around the hospital that Lucia has been admitted to." The news anchor says.

"Antony! Yes, it's me. How are you? How's Lucia? What? No, she's not due for another two months. Yes, we'll watch Tanisha...We'll be at the hospital soon. Okay, bye." Meghan says as she ends the call.

"Lucia is in labor but they're doing everything they can stop it." Meghan says as she places her phone down.

"Oh God, this is bad." Catherine said.

"The Queen has just arrived to the hospital and she looks completely heartbroken at the moment." The news anchor says as the camera focuses on The Queen walking into the hospital.

"Granny, normally doesn't go to the hospital especially not like this." Harry said.

"She means business." William said.

"Antony, calm down

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"Antony, calm down." Elizabeth said as she listens to what Antony just told her.

"They're fighting for their lives and I cannot do anything to help them. The stress have what those idiots did is killing her." Antony said as Charles and Camilla walks into the private waiting room.

"What's going on?" Charles asked.

"Lucia is unresponsive and has gone into labor. They're doing their best to stop her labor." Elizabeth answered.

"Oh I'm so sorry son." Charles says as he moves closer to Antony.

"How could this happen? I just wanted to be happy and now I may lose her." Antony said, crying.

"Lucia is a fighter, Antony, you will not lose her." Camilla said.

"I hate them." Antony said.

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