Chapter Five ↡ All The Stars

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Chapter Five ↡ All The Stars

"Mama!" Tanisha babbled, flailing her arms and legs in excitement as I walked into the sitting room.

"Hello baby girl." I said, smiling too and lifting her into my arms, pressing endless kisses to her face.

"Oh, Hello." Catherine said, using the adjacent door to walk into our apartment. "I'm so excited to finally be able to use the adjacent door." She said as she let the kids walk in.

"Hello, and yes I can see the excitement in your eyes." I said, turning my attention to Tanisha again and gently bouncing her up and down.

Tanisha nuzzled her head into my chest, eyes closed, and she cooed, content.

"Okay, George, Charlotte, Louis, this is aunt Lucia and your little cousin, Tanisha." Catherine said.

I kneel down to the children's level so they could see Tanisha.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you guys. You can call me auntie or Lulu and you can call Tanisha...let's see...Mhm, how about Nini." I said.

"Nini." Charlotte said.

Tanisha giggled lightly.

"Yes, Nini." I said.

"Where's Antony?" Catherine asked.

"He had an engagement to attend to." I answered.

"Oh okay." Catherine said.

There was a knock on the front door then it opened.

"Hello, is anyone here?" Meghan asked as she entered the apartment with Archie in her arms.

"Hello, Meghan and this must be Archie." I said, standing up and walking over to Meghan.

"Yes, this is Archie and Hello, Catherine, George, Charlotte, Louis, How are you all today?" Meghan asked as she touched Tanisha's cheek who started smiling.

"Hello, Meghan, we're well and how are you? I hope the trip over wasn't too hectic for you." Catherine said as she walked over after setting Louis on the floor.

"It's getting easier to hide from the paparazzi and come over." Meghan said.

"Is it really that bad? I mean I seen them follow you guys around when I catch you all on the news." I said.

"All our experiences with the paparazzi has not been the same. I mean in the beginning of our relationships it may have been the same but after marriage no. See with Meghan, the media works hard on making her look bad while with me they work on making me seem like I've been playing it safe with everything I do like I'm restricted. It's very hard to be good with the media." Catherine said.

"Yes, nothing as an actress could have prepared me for the hate storm I received from the moment they found out I was Harry's girlfriend." Meghan said.

"Do you think it's a race thing?" I asked as we took a seat on the couch then I put Tanisha on the floor to play with Louis.

"Sometimes it is and sometimes it's not." Meghan answered.

"Lucia, I know you're worried about how the public will treat you and all I can say is that they cannot win in destroying your relationship with Antony. The women who marry into this family, put up with a lot but we have to be the bigger person." Catherine said.

"We control the narrative. They can print out all the articles they want but once you step out and do something that changes the public's narrative of that then you're in control." Meghan said.

"I understand. I'm just nervous. I've been taking my Princess training since before Tanisha was born and I just hope I can do it right." Lucia said.

"Trust me, you had a way better first meeting with the Queen then I did." Meghan said.

"Honestly, I think you were way more happened then the both of us combined. I mean your curtsy was perfect. Your etiquette and everything that we had to learn about after meeting the Queen was great. If anything I think you will be the perfect princess." Catherine said.

"I know you guys are just saying that to make me feel better about all of this." I said.

"No, we're serious. The Queen talked about you after you guys left and she seems to really admire you." Meghan said.

"Really?" I asked.

"William told she is planning the creation of a new Household for Antony and you." Catherine answered.

"But the question is will Antony and you get married? Certain things cannot happen unless you two are married." Meghan said.

"Of course, I want to marry Antony but I will not force him to propose to me. I'm not that type of person." I said.

"Yes, but after two kids do you really want to remain boyfriend and girlfriend forever?" Catherine asked.

"No." I answered.

"Then you should throw hints at him." Meghan said.

"Hints?" I asked.

"Yes, like leave around wedding magazines or bring it up like 'Oh, Beatrice will make a beautiful bride, I wonder what I'll look like on my big day' or 'I want this song to be our first dance song at our wedding' things like that should work." Catherine answered.

"Did you guys talk about this before you came over?" I asked.

Meghan and Catherine looked at each other and smiled.

"Yes, we did. We just really want you to be treated fairly and marriage is the answer." Meghan said.

"But we have to see how I did as a working member of this family before we put the idea of marriage out there." I said.

"And we have a perfect idea." Catherine said.

"Since I'm the royal patron of the charity Smart Works, which helps long term unemployed and vulnerable women regain the skills, confidence and tools to succeed at job interviews, return to employment and transform their lives. Catherine and I thought that since you own a cosmetics and hair products company that we could team up and do an event where we give makeovers to the women." Meghan said.

"Think of it as a test to see how you handle the media and the public." Catherine said.

"You guys would really do that for me?" I asked.

"Of course, the way Antony loves you. There is no such in hell we're letting you slip through our fingers." Meghan answered.

"I think I can do it." I said.

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