Chapter Twenty-Nine ↡ Royal Christmas

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Chapter Twenty-Nine ↡ Royal Christmas

Lucia Bautista Allen and Prince Antony Go Christmas Caroling With Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

Lucia Bautista Allen and Prince Antony are feeling festive after welcoming their second child. On Wednesday, the couple stepped out for a postbaby date night at the Henry van Straubenzee Memorial Fund Christmas carol service in London.

Lucia kept warm in a red coat and held hands with her soon to be husband as they made their way inside St. Luke's Church. Also at the Christmas service were Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, attending their second Christmas carol service together.

Lucia Bautista Allen and Prince Antony this past October, they became parents to a baby boy.

Following the baby's exciting arrival, the Royal family including Kate Middleton and Prince William released a statement via Kensington Palace, expressing how "thrilled" they are for the new parents.

Congrats again to Lucia and Antony!

Congrats again to Lucia and Antony!

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Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Prince Antony, Lucia Bautista Allen, Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle spotted at Christmas Day service

The royal "Fab Six" -- Prince Antony, Lucia Bautista Allen, Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle -- stepped out together on Christmas Day along with other members of the royal family.

The royals were spotted at St. Mary Magdalene Church on Queen Elizabeth's 20,000-acre Sandringham home in Norfolk, England, Wednesday attending Christmas Day service together.

This Christmas marks Lucia's first as a future member of the royal family.

The "Fab Six" entered the church, with Meghan and Kate walking side-by-side and chatting, and Prince Charles, Camilla, Lucia and Prince Antony a few steps ahead.

Later today, after the service at St. Mary Magdalene Church, a small stone church dating back to the 16th century, the royals will enjoy a Christmas lunch and then gather to watch Queen Elizabeth II deliver her annual Christmas message.

Lucia and Antony are believed to be staying at Sandringham, the Queen's residence, during the family's three-day Christmas celebration. William and Kate are staying at their nearby home, Anmer Hall, with their three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

This Christmas marks the first time Harry and Meghan have celebrated the holiday as a family of three. Archie Mountbatten-Windsor was born in May.

In the evening, the royal family will get together again for a Christmas buffet dinner with 15 to 20 different delicacies prepared by Queen Elizabeth's chef.

The day after Christmas, known as Boxing Day in the U.K., the royals are expected to partake in a traditional pheasant shoot on the grounds of Sandringham.

, the royals are expected to partake in a traditional pheasant shoot on the grounds of Sandringham

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Thursday, 26 December 2019

Antony sat down next to Lucia as she changed Theo's clothes while Tanisha takes a nap, "Have you finished with the list of godparents? Theo's christening is next month and the palace wants a list to give out the day of." Antony said as he tickled Theo, who tries to grab his hand.

"I'm almost done. I know boys normally have three godfathers and two godmothers but we have a lot of people." Lucia said.

"Well, We picked Meghan, Kitty, William, and Felix. We just need one more Godfather." Antony said.

"And the question is who do we pick?" Lucia asked.

"How about your brother?" Antony asked.

"I'll ask him but he won't be able to fly out to the christening since Melody is pregnant and might go into labor any day now." Lucia answered.

"That's perfectly fine." Antony said.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Antony said.

The door opened to reveal Harry.

"Can I talk to you two for a moment?" Harry asked.

"Sure, come in." Lucia answered.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Antony asked.

"I just wanted to thank you both for being there for Meghan and I especially Meghan, Lucia she told me about all the talks you guys have been having and I just want to say thank you for caring about my wife when I couldn't be there to comfort her." Harry answered as he tries to hold back the tears.

Lucia quickly positions Theo on the bed so he doesn't fall and stood up to give Harry a hug.

"Oh Harry, I count Meghan and you among my truest, most caring, and valuable friends. We are a family and I will always be there for you both. I know things have been rocky for you both and I want to know that you both are not alone in this." Lucia said.

"That's right, Harry, if you cannot on anyone else then you have us. Always and forever." Antony said.

"Always and forever." Lucia said.

"Always and forever. Thank you." Harry said.

There was another knock on the door.

Antony went and opened the door to find Meghan and Archie standing there.

"Is Harry in here?" Meghan asked.

"Yes." Antony answered as he held the door open for Meghan to come in then closed it behind her.

"Harry, are you okay?" Meghan asked as she held a hand to his cheek, wiping away the tear that fell down his cheek.

"I'm okay now." Harry answered with a smile as he pulled Meghan and Archie to a tight hug.

"Thank you." Meghan mouthed to Antony and Lucia.

"I love us." Antony said as he pulled Lucia into the hug with Meghan, Harry, and Archie.

"Let's go join the rest of the family before they send someone for us." Lucia said as she picked Theo who Archie immediately reached for by grabbing his hand.

"I think we may have new best friends on our hands." Harry said.

"That would be amazing. These two causing the same troubles we did." Antony said.

"Oh God." Lucia said.

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