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Luke and I walked into the cafe and made our way to the booth in the back. Nick was talking to abuela in the kitchen. He saw me and made his way over to us with Elena in his arms. "There's my baby girl," I said, holding my arms out for her. She smiled and reached out for me. "Gimmie."

Nick pouted but gave her to me. He sat down beside me leaning forward and kissing my cheek. I bounced her on my knee. She giggled. "Why does she like you more than me? I'm her big brother."

"Everyone likes me more than you." He rolled his eyes and kissed the side of my head. I smiled. "But i like you." I turned my head and pecked his lips.

"I know you do corazón."

Abuela came over to us placing a plate of sandwiches in front of us. Dana came in sitting beside Nick. "I'm mad," she grumbled, taking half of Nick's sandwich and taking a bite out of it. He chuckled. He put half his fries on a napkin giving them to her. "Thanks."

"And why's that?" I asked.

"Ryder is purposely trying to make me jealous." I raised my eyebrow. "He went on a fu-" i lifted up Elena. "Sorry, he went on a freaking date with Miranda. Miranda! I hate her and he knows that." I handed Elena to her. She sighed as she bounced Elena on her knee. "I can't be mad with this cute little girl on my lap."

"I'm sorry Ryder is making you jealous, Dana bear," Nick said, wrapping his arm around her. She laid her head on Nick's shoulder. "You know it's cause he really likes you right?"

"Well he's going at it all wrong," she grumbled.

"I know baby," he said. He kissed the top of her head. "I'll talk to him for you okay?"

"Thank you."

Tessa walked in sitting beside Luke. "Hey beautiful," he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. She grabbed his hand and pulled it off of her. "Something wrong?"

"We are not together so you don't get to call me beautiful and you don't get to wrap your arm around me."

"Tess are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine, i'm just tired of him acting like we are together. We aren't together. We will never be together."

"You know what Tessa," he said, putting his arm around the back of the booth behind her. Nick, Dana, and I shared a look. "You keep thinking that but whether you want to acknowledge it or not, you like me and i won't stop flirting with you because one of these days you'll tell me just that."

"You know what? I do have something to tell you." She got up and went to the small stage at the front of the cafe. She started talking to abuela. Abuela handed her the mic and set up the karaoke. "This is a little song for my friend Luke."

He winked at her. The music started for Marshmello & Anne-Marie's "Friends". My jaw dropped a bit. Luke clenched his jaw subtly. Nick put a hand on his shoulder. After the second chorus, she came back over and sat on his lap as she sang. At the end of the song, he picked her up off his lap and walked out of the cafe. "Did you really have to do that?" I asked when she came back over to the table. I stood up and followed him out. Luke was already in his car speeding off. I got into my car and drove home. I sat down on the couch in the living room.

Nicky❤️: how is he?"
ME: he isn't home, i'm gonna wait for him
Nicky❤️: do you want me to wait with you?
ME: no it's okay
ME: i'll see you tomorrow
Nicky❤️: see you tomorrow corazón

Luke didn't come back home until after dinner and after mom went to bed. I sat up and looked at him. "Where have you been?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Of course I'm gonna worry about it," I said standing up and walking over to him. "You left the cafe and didn't come home for hours and wouldn't answer your phone." I grabbed his hands. "Luke, I'm sorry Tessa said those things and sang that song but you don't her reasons."

"You think I want relationship advice from you?" he asked, ripping his hands out of mine. "You think you and Nick have a perfect fucking relationship? That everything is right in your little Nick and Leia bubble?"

"Don't do this," I said softly.

"Nick is a bigger player than I am and you're naive."

"Please don't," I whimpered.

"He'll break your heart in a million pieces because he never stays with a girl. He's an asshole and you fucking know that." I stepped backwards. He stepped forward, getting in my face. "Let me guess? He told you he doesn't care about sex. Well he fucking does so when you don't put out, he's gonna dump you and who are you gonna cry to? Me and i'm not gonna bother cause i knew the whole time who he was and you are just too stupid to realize it."

Tears were now streaming down my face. "And you're a jerk." I walked past him and into my room. I changed into Nick's t-shirt and a pair of spandex.

I opened my bedroom window. I stepped onto the tree and over to Nick's ledge. I opened up his window and climbed into the bedroom. He was asleep on his bed. I crawled in beside him. "Who- corazón? What are you doing here?"

"Can i stay here tonight?" I asked, my words coming out in shudders.

"Of course," he rolled over to me wrapping his arms around me. I grabbed his hands and rested them on my stomach. He kissed my neck. "What's wrong?"

"Luke and I got into a fight."



"Why me?"

"He said you're gonna break my heart."

He sighed. "Leia-"

"I mean you've been with a lot of girls and I'm trying to save myself and-"

"Leia! I respect your values. Yes I've been with other girls because I never thought I'd have a chance with you. I wanted you so badly I thought the only way I could get you out of my mind would be to do it with other girls. I'm sorry and i will keep telling you i'm sorry until you believe me."

"Nick I've liked you since we were twelve."

"You're kidding me right?" he asked. "Please tell me you're kidding."


"Leia oh my corazón." He kissed my neck and flushed me tighter against him. "I've had a crush on you since that spin the bottle game-"

"We played at brandi's birthday party," I turned to face him. "You're telling me we've liked each other for six years and we just started dating?"

He kissed my forehead. "I'm so so so sorry Luke said all that but you know how much I care about you. I'm not gonna hurt you. I don't need to have sex with you to want to be with you." he kissed my cheek. "If i have to wait for our wedding night to have sex then i'll be the happiest guy in the world."

I smiled as he wiped the tears under my eyes. "Our wedding night?"

He smiled back. "You didn't know? I plan on marrying you, corazón." I closed my eyes as he gently kissed me. "No matter what Luke or anyone else ever says, I want you and I have always wanted you. You are my past, my present, and my future."
Hey guys so I'm a little hungover right now so I apologize for the late update. Okay I know that was a little cringe towards the end but I thought it was kinda cute. How's everyone been doing this week? I hope you all are loving this story. Make sure to vote, comment, and follow me!

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