What was that...

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"Wow, I had no idea." Kate turns to Lily. "Did you know?"

"Yes. Ollie told me. I never brought it up in conversation because you guys only met Leo once and it wasn't my story to tell."

Julia says, "It's so sad. I can't even imagine what he went through."

Andrew reaches over and takes her hand. "We met Leo through Oliver years ago and when everything happened he wasn't in a good place for awhile. I can't blame him."

The conversation continues around me but I dont really hear them. I can't believe Leo lost his son and his wife. Here I was yelling at him and telling him to fuck off when he was about to relive those horrible experiences. I feel like suck a bitch.

They start to play music and people move onto the dance floor. David leans over and whispers in my ear, "Dance with me?"

I nod my head yes and he leads me to the dance floor. He pulls me close and I rest my head on his chest. I close my eyes and let him guide me. After a few seconds I open my eyes and I find Leo staring at me from the bar. My breath catches at the look I see in his eyes.

I look away and up at David. "Emma you really do look stunning tonight. Very sexy." He takes his hand from my waist and cups the back of neck. He pulls me in and gives me a deep kiss. "I cant wait to take that dress off of you later." He plants another quick kiss on my lips before going back to dancing.

I look back over to the bar and Leo now has a very different look on his face. He's hurt. I don't understand, he walked out on me. Why does he seem to give a shit that I'm with David? He downs his drink and then walks away.

When the song ends David goes to get us more drinks and I head back to the table. Leo's there by himself. I almost turn around and walk away but I decide against it.

He watches me as I sit in my seat across the table from him.

"So are you and the doctor serious?"


"I dont like him."

"You don't know him. And its none of your business."

"Oh, I have to disagree with you there."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"It means that I want-"

"Here you go Em." David hands me my drink. "Do you want to go look at the auction items?"

"Thank you. Yes." I get up and as I walk away I glance back and see Leo staring at me. I guess we'll have to finish that conversation later.

We browse through the aution items and bid on a spa package because who doesn't like a good spa day. There's an amazing vacation package to Greece but that's definitely out of my price range considering the current bids are astronomical. I'm drooling over the pictures of Greece when I feel someone behind me. I know who it is immediately.

"Beautiful isn't it? You ever been?"

I let out a quiet laugh. "I wish. It's gorgeous." I turn to Leo. "You?"

"Yes. A couple of times. You would love it." He reaches up and pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I take a step back. "Leo. You can't do that."

"Do what."

"Touch me."

"I recall you liking me touching you very much."

"Leo please. I have a boyfriend and you made it very clear that you didn't want anything more than that night from me."

He steps very close to me. Before he does something to cause a scene I step back and turn and walk away. I find David looking at a VIP package for a Bengals game for the upcoming season.

"Did you bid on it?"

"Yeah, you going with me if I win?"

"I would love to."

"Did you find anything to bid on?"

"An amazing spa day."

He turns to me and wraps an arm around my waist.

"Emma, I know this isn't the best time or place but I have to ask. Do you and Leo have some sort of history? I've seen the way he looks at you."

"What? What way?"

"Like you're his and he wants to kill me for touching you."

"There is nothing going on between Leo and I."

He places his finger under my chin. "Thats not what I asked Emma."

"It's embarrassing."

"You know me, I would never do anything to make you feel bad."

"I know. Can we go somewhere else and talk?"

"Of course." He takes my hand and leads me out into the hallway. Once out there he places his hands in his pockets and waits for me to begin.

"Okay, yes Leo and I had one night together. It was the night of Lily and Oliver's wedding. I've never done anything like that before and then he left in the middle of the night and I never heard from him again. Until tonight."

I'm staring down at the ground. I'm afraid of what I'll see in David's eyes. He walks up to me and puts one hand around my waist and the other cups the back of my head. He kisses me. Long and hard.

"Em, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. You did nothing wrong. He's the dick and the one who should be embarrassed. You deserved better than that." He kisses me one more time. "Do you have feelings for him?"

"What? No. Of course not. I barely know him." My cheeks turn red though and I look at the ground to keep him from seeing. I've never lied to David before but a part of me thinks that I am now.

Behind me someone clears their throat. I jump and turn around. Leo's standing there with his fists clinched at his sides.

"I don't know, Emma. I think we know each other pretty well. Like really, really well." He gives me a sexy smirk.

He's obviously drunk.

"That's enough man. I think it's time for you to go before I decide to deck you." I've never seen David so angry.

Leo steps forward."I'd love to see you try, Doc."

"Both of you, that's enough!"

I turn to David. "Please give me a minute to talk to him while you go and find Oliver. Don't say anything about me and Leo please. Nobody knows. Just tell him Leo's had to much to drink and he needs to go home."

"Okay." He kisses me and I know he does it just to piss Leo off. When he walks away I finally turn around and face Leo.

"Leo. Why are you doing this?"

He moves so quickly I don't have time to react. One minute he's feet away and the next he has me in his arms and is kissing me. I recover quickly and push him off me.

"What the hell was that!"

"I've been dying to do that all night. Hell I've been dying to do that since last year. God dammit Emma, I dont know what you're doing to me but watching you with him is killing me. Please Emma, come home with me."

"Are you out of your mind? What part of I have a boyfriend do you not understand?"

"I need you. Seeing you with him, talking about Eli and Cass. Its been too much."

I walk to him then and place my hand on his cheek. "Leo, I didn't get to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. A loss like that is more than any one person should ever have to bare. But, Leo, I'm not what you want or need. You made that clear before."

He places his hand over mine and turns and kisses my palm. "You are so wrong. Emma,you are all that I want and need."

"Hey, Leo. You ready to go home?"

I close my eyes. Fuck. Oliver is definitely going to have questions. I open my eyes and Leo is just waiting for me to say something.

I keep my eyes on Leo as I answer Oliver. "Yes, he's ready to go." And with that I turn to leave.

Love Again (Second Chances Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now