Hopelessly in Love...

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Leo has to go off and talk to more people so I go to find the rest of the group. They're all in another room with a huge mural on the wall. This time it's of a Rainforest.

"Emma!" Lily gives me a hug. "You and Leo sounded amazing together. I take it things are going well between you two?"

"Yes. It's been hard to talk because he's so busy but yes things are good."

"Thats good to hear. I'm happy for both of you." Everyone else agrees with her.

Andrew walks up to the mural. "The murals in all the rooms are impressive. I wonder who did them."

"I did." A tiny little brunette walks in the room. She's gorgeous and cute at the same time. She's wearing a beautiful baby blue dress that shows off her incredible figure.

She walks up to Andrew and extends her hand. "I'm Abigail Anderson."

He shakes her hand. "Andrew Miller."

"I took the photographs of all the places you see in the murals, then we had them made into wallpaper."

He finally releases her hand. "They're all beautiful. So you're a photographer then?"


"Well your work is incredible."

We all just stand there and watch the two of them staring at each other. It's like they forgot that we're even in the room.

"Thank you."

Hunter finally clears his throat and Andrew shakes his head as if to clear it. Then he turns to the group. "Abigail Anderson may I introduce you to my friends." He goes about introducing all of us and we all take turns shaking her hand or giving a little wave.

She turns to me. "Emma, I must say your voice is beautiful. Do you sing professionally?"

I laugh. "No, I'm an interior designer."

Leo walks in the room and puts his arm around me. "But she could be a singer if she wanted. She is unbelievably talented." He kisses the top of my head. "I see you all met Abby. Isn't her work amazing? It's like you're right there."

"Thank you Leo. I'm happy with the way everything turned out. I hope they bring comfort to the people who use these rooms."

I smile at her. "I'm sure they will. How do you two know each other?"

Abigail answers. "We met in Chicago. Cassie showcased my work at her gallery and we all became close friends."

Andrew looks disappointed. "So you live in Chicago then?"

"I have a house there yes. But I travel so much for work that I don't really feel like I live anywhere."

Millie says, "That sounds exciting. Where all do you travel too?"

"All over the world. This picture here is of the Daintree Rainforest in Australia."

"Abigail takes beautiful pictures of landscapes across the globe but she also has some really powerful pictures of people from different cultures." Leo sounds very proud of his friend.

Andrew turns to Abigail. "I would love to see them sometime."

She smiles at him. "I think that can definitely be arranged."

Leo looks at me and raises his eyebrow. I just smile. There is definitely something happening between the two of them. It will be interesting to see where that goes.

The rest of the night passes quickly. I don't see David again and I'm guessing after he saw Leo and I together he realized that I definitely didn't want to rekindle that old flame.

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