Teach Me...

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Leo and I eventually end up eating. He makes us delicious omelets and then we hang out and talk for about another hour after. He has to go home because Winnie is there but we plan ahead for Friday.

"Dinner and movie on Friday? And then a sleepover at my house?" He asks when we're saying goodbye at the door.

"Sounds good to me. You pick the restaurant and I'll pick the movie."

"Deal. I had a lot of fun tonight." He says as he pulls me to him and kisses my neck.

"I did too. I'm glad you walked in on me half naked."

"So am I. So am I" He kisses me and I want so badly to pull him back to my bed but I dont. I'll just have to wait until Friday.

The rest of the week goes quickly. Leo and I text each other to figure out our plans. He decides on a nice steakhouse for dinner and I pick a scary movie afterwards.

The food is delicious and we talk about what I'm working on and how things are going at Cassie's Hope. He's overseeing the entire project and working on finding office space and hiring people for Eli's Legacy here in Cincinnati.

The movie is definitely scary and now Leo has fingernail marks in his arms. He didn't seem to mind though. After the movie we head back to his house. Winnie greets us as soon as we walk in. As Leo lets her out back I walk around and explore his house. Cassis really was as amazing artist. I find an adorable picture of Eli on the shelf and I'm holding it in my hand when Leo comes up behind me.

"He really does look like you."

"Yeah, he was quiet the little heart breaker." He says with a mixture of pride and sadness in his voice.

"I bet he was." I put the picture back on the shelf and turn to him. "He was very lucky to have you as his dad. Whenever you talk about him I can hear how much you loved him in your voice."

"I was the lucky one."

I decide to change the subject before he becomes too sad. "I didn't get the full tour when I was here last time. Will you show me around?"

"Of course." He takes my hand and leads me through the house. It really is beautiful. The design and his taste in decor are stunning.

"Did you decorate all yourself?"

"Yeah, I learned a few things from my mom and from Cass. Plus I've always loved every aspect of designing a space from start to finish."

"Well you have excellent taste. I really love everything you've done."

"Thanks, that means a lot coming from a professional."

When we're done with the tour he pours us both a glass of wine and we go sit in the living room and talk for awhile. Winnie must like me because she chooses to sit at me feet and
I pet her the whole time we talk.

"She really does like you. She's usually shy around strangers but she's taken to you right away."

"I'm very likable."

He smiles. "Yes you are."

"What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Are you going to Chicago."

"Yes. My parents do Thanksgiving ever year. They have my brother and I along with our extend family. It's my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Its a complete mad house but everyone has a good time. How about you?"

I finish my wine and set my glass on the table. "I'm having my parents to my house this year. It's just the three of us. My parents are originally from Boston. They moved here for dads work before I was born. So anyway, the entire extended family is pack in Boston. The three of us go there for Christmas. Normally, I would just go to mom and dads on Thanksgiving but mom hasn't been feeling well so I told her I would do all the cooking and cleaning this year."

Love Again (Second Chances Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now