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The first few days after the accident are rough. Physically and emotionally I'm drained. There's been an endless parade of people coming and going since I've been home. But Leo hasn't been back since that first day. He's called and text to check on me but he's keeping his distance for now and I'm trying to patient like he asked.

I go back to work and finish up David's house. He's there the last day to go over everything and make sure it's how he wants it.

"Everything looks great Emma. Thank you. How are you doing?"

"You're welcome. I'm glad you're happy with everything." He motions for me to have a seat on the couch so I sit."The pains under control. I'll be happy when I can get rid of these crutches."

He sits next to me and turns towards me."How are you doing with your mom being gone? I know how close you two were. I wanted to come to the funeral but I had an emergency at the hospital."

"Its okay really. I'm hanging in there. Some days it doesn't seem real but then I remember it is and the pain hits me all over again."

He takes my hand in his and while I find the contact comforting I realize I feel nothing for him anymore beyond friendship.

"I'm so sorry for everything that's happened to you. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Thank you, I appreciate it but I'm okay." I pull my hand away and grab for my crutches. "I have to get going. Will I see you at the opening of Cassie's Hope?"

"Yes, I'll be there. Will you save a dance for me?"


"Just as friends. I promise."

"Okay. Yes a dance as friends would be fine."

"Great. I look forward to it. Let me help you out."

He carries my things to the car and before I get in he places a kiss on my cheek and I have a feeling he doesn't really want to be just friends.

Back at the office my phone vibrates on my desk. I look and see that its Leo. I smile as I open it.

Hello gorgeous. How are you feeling today?

I'm a little sore and ready to go home but I'm hanging in there.

You need to take it easy. It's only been a week since the accident.

I am. I finished David's house today and don't have any other big projects lined up right now. I decided I would just help the other designers for the time being before taking on anything else of my own.

Thats good. I know how much you love your work but you need to get better. Is there anything I can do for you?

I want to ask him to meet me at my house but I don't. When he's ready he'll come to me.

Thank you, but I'm okay. Between the girls, dad and my grandparents I have a fully stocked fridge and freezer. I'm well taken care of.

I'm sure you are.

How are you doing?

I miss you.

I miss you too, Leo.

Go home and get some rest. I'll talk to you soon.


I set my phone down and try not to think about how much I miss him. While he's working on being better for me I need to do the same for him.

I leave work and decide to go to the cemetery and visit with my mom. I pick up flowers on my way. She doesn't have a headstone or vase yet so I just lay the flowers on the dirt.

"Hi mom. I miss you so much taht it's hard to breath."

There's a bench close by that I go and sit on. There's no one else around so I continue to talk to my mom as if she's there with me.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you. If only I would of pushed more and made you see more doctors until they figured something out. Maybe you would still be here. I need you mom."

Silent tears run down my face as I go on.

"I was in a car accident the day of your funeral. I'm doing okay for the most part but it was scary. It happened so fast that I didn't even see the other car coming. When I woke for a brief second I thought about if I were to die that I would be with you again and I found relief in that thought."

I take a breath and look at the clouds in the sky.

"But then I thought about dad and Leo. They've both lost so much already I couldn't bare the thought of making them go through it again. So for that reason I'm grateful that I'm still here. Dad misses you but he's doing okay. He's been taking care of me since the accident but I promise when I'm on the mend that I'll take care of him."

I wipe the tears off my face but they just keep coming.

"You were the love of his life. Leo is the love of mine, mom. I'm scared that we're never going to figure things out and be together. He asked me to me patient while he becomes the best man he can for me. I understand what he's doing and I appreciate it. But at the same time, I'm hurting and all I want is him. I want him to hold me and make me laugh and smile and make it all better. I know losing you is very different from him losing his wife and son but to me the pain of losing you is very real. And I know he understands that and he's trying to be there for me while still maintaining his distance but it's just not the same. All I can do now is continue to take care of myself and hope that one day we'll be able to be together."

I grab my crutches and stand again.

"I have to get going. I'll be back next week. You may not physically be here anymore but you will always and forever be my mom. I'm always going to need you so expect a lot of visits from me. I love you."

When I get in my car I call Lily and ask if her offer for me to come get Olivia snuggles is still available. She says yes, so I head over there. Talking with my mom and snuggling cute babies is how I'll work on making myself better so when the day comes and Leo is ready I'll be ready too.

Love Again (Second Chances Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now