Date Night...

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Its been a week since I asked Leo to go on a date with me. We talked and text a few times throughout the week and he planned tonight but he won't tell me where we're going. All he said was to dress warm and wear comfortable shoes. So I decided on a wrap style sweater and dark jeans. I add booties and a motorcycle jacket in case I get cold.

I'm walking out of my room when the doorbell rings. I open it and Leo's standing there looking absolutely delicious in dark fitted jeans and a gray sweater. He hasn't shaven and has just the right amount of scruff to make him look even sexier than normal. I step to the side and motion for him to come in.

Once I close the door he puts a hand on my waist and kisses my cheek. "Hello, gorgeous."

"Hello. You look nice."

"So do you, as always. You excited about our date?"

"I would be more excited if I knew where we were going."

"Don't worry you'll like it. I ran all my plans by Lily. I wasn't about to screw up our first date and then not get a second one."

I laugh. "Smart thinking. Just let me grab my jacket and bag."

We drive about thirty minutes and then I see where we are. It's a fall festival. They have, hayrides, a corn maze, games, food and a haunted trail.

"Oh my god Leo! This is perfect. I haven't been to a fall festival in forever. And I love haunted houses."

"I know. I told Lily what my plan was and she said it was a great idea. She told me that you love haunted house and that I should be prepared to laugh my ass off. But she wouldn't explain why."

"I have no idea what she's talking about."

"Sure you don't." I do know but he can wait to find out himself. I absolutely love being scared but I also get extremely scared. And when I'm scared I not only scream my head off I also laugh uncontrollably. Plus, I tend to run. All of that put together seems to give the people I'm with a good laugh.

We get out of the car and while we walk around looking at all the different things he starts up the getting to know you conversation.

"So you and Lily met through work and thats how you became part of the gang?"

"Yeah, we met and clicked right away. We started at a larger company together but quickly realized that we wanted to start our own business together. So we did. Its been going really well."

"I can believe that. I've seen what you've done with your house. You have great taste."

"Thank you. And what about you? I know you worked with Oliver in Chicago but I dont really know what you do now other than working with the foundation."

"Thats all I do for the moment. My family owns the firm that Oliver and I worked at. When Eli got sick I took a leave of absence. And then he passed away and I started the foundation. Then Cass...well I just never went back to working at the firm." He stops in front of a food both. "You hungry?"

"Yes, please." We order food and carry it over to a picnic table. He picks up the conversation where we left off.

"My family is very well off so I had a trust fund. Eli and Cass both had life insurance. I also sold Cassie's gallery. I used some of my trust fund and Eli's insurance money to start the foundation. Then I invested all the money from Cassie's insurance and the sale of her gallery. I donate most of that to different causes. So anyway, the point is that I can focus on the foundation for now without having to worry about money."

"Do you miss architectural engineering at all or are you happy doing what you're doing?"

"I miss it. I'll get back to it eventually." We finish our food and then walk over to the pumpkin batch.

Love Again (Second Chances Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now