Take the pain away...

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Calling Leo was probably a bad idea but in that moment of feeling the worst pain of my life he was the person I wanted most. And he came, without hesitation.

"Thank you for being here for me. I know things aren't good between us but you came anyway. I really appreciate it."

He pulls me in for a hug. "No thanks necessary. No matter what's going on between us I will always be here for you Emma. That will never change." He kisses the top of my head. "Now, you need some rest. Where did you want to lie down?"

"My old room is upstairs." I look up at him. "Will you sit with me until I fall asleep? Please."

"Of course."

He follows me upstairs and I slide off my shoes as he pulls back the covers on one side of the bed. I climb under them and he sits up against the headboard. I lay my head in his lap and he plays with my hair. My eyes become heavy almost instantly.

"I'm sad that my mom never got to meet you. She would of loved you. We talked about you a lot."

"I'm sure I would of loved her too. I saw her picture in the living room. She was a beautiful woman. You look just like her."

"People always said we were twins. God, I cant believe this is happening. I don't know how to live in a world without her. I should of had so much more time with her." I'm crying again. Will it ever stop?

Leo slides down the bed and gathers me in his arms. I cling to him and I eventually cry myself to sleep. When I wake up I'm alone. I climb out of bed and head downstairs. At the bottom of the steps I hear my dad and Leo talking.

"Emma told us you lost your wife and your son. I'm sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine the pain of losing a child. Losing my Amelia is beyond awful but the thought of losing Emma is more than I could bare."

"It's not something I would wish on my worst enemy. But loss is loss. It's hard no matter what. I still feel the pain of my loss every single day. But now, at least I'm also able to remember the good. The smiles, laughter and all the love the three of us shared. It gets me through each day."

"We were married thirty-five years. That's more than half my life. I don't know how to live without her."

"I know it seems impossible now but you will. You have an amazing daughter who will help you and you have family, friends and a career. It will take time but I promise you will get through it."

"What about you? Are you just getting through or are you actually happy and living?"

"I'm working on it. Your daughter makes me want to live again. So for her, I'm working on it."


I clear my throat and walk into the kitchen. "How long was I out?"

Leo turns to me. "About two hours. How are you feeling?"

"Sad, but better. I did need the sleep. How are you holding up dad?" I walk to him and he puts his arm around me and kisses the top of my head.

"I'm hanging in there. I called the family in Boston and our friends here. Your grandparents are getting a flight as soon as they can. Everyone sends their love."

"Okay, did you decide on a funeral home?"

"Yes, I called and we have an appointment with them this afternoon to make all the arrangements. We also have to go to the cemetery. Its going to be a long day. You up for it?"

"I guess I have to be. I still have to get my car from the hospital also."

Leo speaks up. "If you feel up to driving I can take you or Oliver and I can get it. Also, Lily is making food for you guys and bringing it by later for dinner."

"I dont really want to leave dad."

"Emma, its okay. You can get your car and go home and shower and change. I'll be okay. Our appointment at the funeral home isn't until two o'clock. The cemetery said we can come by whenever. So we can go before or after."

"Are you sure?" I hate the idea of leaving him alone.

"Yes. Go. I'll be okay."

"Okay, I won't be long. I promise." I give him a quick hug and turn to Leo. "I just need to grab my shoes and then we can go."

When I come back downstairs Leo is shaking my dad's hand. "I'm sorry we couldn't meet under better circumstances. Again, I'm very sorry for your loss. Let me know if there's anything I do for you or Emma."

"Thank you Leo. And thank you for your help today. It was nice to finally meet you. Don't be a stranger."

Leo an I get in the jeep and head to the hospital. After a few minutes of silence he says, "You may want to text Lily and let her know you're getting your car and that you're stopping home. I mentioned something to her about you needing clothes."

"Okay." I pull out my phone and text her. I tell her I'll let her know when my dad and I are done at the funeral home so she can come by with food.

"Thanks again for taking care of all of that for me." I feel nervous because we're almost to the hospital and I don't want to say goodbye to him. I don't know when I'll see him again and that makes me sad.

"Really it was nothing." He pulls into the parking garage and I direct him to where my car is. He pulls in a spot close by. I don't get out right away and he turns in his seat to look at me.

"You going to be okay?"

"Okay as I can be I guess."

He puts his arm up on the back of the seat and his fingers play with a strand of my hair.

"I'm sorry for the circumstances surrounding the call but I'm glad you called me." He runs his finger down my cheek and my eyes close at the feel of his touch. "I've missed you."

After a minute I open my eyes and look at him. "I've missed you too."

"Do you need me to do anything for you?"

I want him to take me home and make love to me. I want him to take away the pain and then I want him to go with me and hold my hand while I make funeral arrangements for my mom. But I cant tell him that because we aren't together and I have no right to ask him to do any of that. So instead I say.

"You've already done enough. I can't ask any more from you."

"You can ask me anything. I wouldn't be here offering if I didn't want to be."

I look down. "I can't."

He leans forward and makes me look at him. "What is it Emma?"

I decide to at least ask for some of what I want.

"I want you to take the pain away. I want you to take me home and make love to me."

Love Again (Second Chances Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now