I Need You...

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Luckily I don't need surgery. I'll have a cast for about six weeks or so. I'm not looking forward to that but things could of been a lot worse.

It's late when they release me from the hospital. Dad doesn't want me alone so he offers to take me back to his house.

"Thats okay, dad. I really just want my own bed."

"Emma, I don't want you alone. What if you fall or what if they missed a head injury or something."

Leo responds before I'm able to.

"I can take her home and stay with her. I'll just need to pick up my dog Winnie on the way." He turns to look at me. "If that's okay with you?"

I should tell him no but honestly I don't want to so instead I say, "That would be nice. Thank you."

Once everything is taken care of with the hospital I'm wheeled out to Leo's jeep. My dad follows me out and once I'm settled in the seat he takes my hand.

"Call if you need anything." He looks over at Leo. "Take good care of my baby girl."

"I will. Goodnight James."

"Goodnight. I love you Emma."

"I love you too dad." He closes the door and Leo and I head towards his house to get Winnie.

While Leo's inside, packing a bag and getting Winnie, I text my friends and let them all know I'm okay and heading home. I tell them I'll let them know if I'm up for visitors tomorrow.

When we get to my house Leo parks in the garage since my cars totaled and helps me out of the jeep. Once were inside he sets his bag down.

"Do you want to go right to bed? You must be exhausted."

"I am but I really need a shower first to get this dried blood and stuff off me. I'm not sure how to do that with my cast though?"

"I can help. We'll need a garbage bag to put over your cast and a chair to put in the shower."

I tell him where to find those things and while he gets them I go back to my room. I set my crutches against the wall and stand in front of my full length mirror. This is the first real look I've gotten of myself. I'm a mess. There's bruises and scrapes all over my face. My hairs a mess and has dried blood in it from the cut on my face. I wore a wrap dress to my moms funeral so its easy for me to get off. I untie it and let it fall to the floor. There are bruises and cuts all over my chest and arm and leg. I look horrible. I start crying. Not because of what I look like but because it could of been so much worse.

Leo comes in and stops in the doorway. He takes in all the bruises and cuts and his face darkens.

"Jesus Emma." He shakes his head and walks over to me."Come on. Lets get you cleaned up so you can get in bed." Instead of having me use my crutches he picks me up and carries me into the bathroom. He sets me down on the toilet and then goes to get the chair and garage bag he set down in my room.

Once he has the chair in place and the water on he comes back to me. He has me stand up and as he stands in front of me he undoes my bra. He keeps his eyes on mine as he slides it off my arms. Then he slowly lowers my underwear to the floor. Once those are off he has me sit back down so he can put the bag on my leg. This isn't the time to be getting turned on but sure enough my body is responding to him the way it always does. When he's done he stands in front of me and pulls his shirt over his head and kicks off his shoes. He pauses.

"The easiest way for me to get you clean is to be in there with you. When I take off these pants its going to become very apparent that I want you. But don't worry about that. Its pretty much my normal state when you're around so I'll be fine. I don't need anything from you. I just want to be here for you."

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