Every Day is Hard...

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It's Christmas day and the entire family is gathered at my parents house. It's loud, chaotic and enough to drive anyone insane, but I love it. I've always been close with me family. The first Christmas after I lost Eli and Cass I didn't celebrate. I couldn't, a part of me was broken. It still is if I'm honest. But I've learned to get up each day and live.

After Cass died my brother, Zack,  came and stayed with me. I stayed so strong for Cass after Eli's death but once she was gone I didn't have anyone to be strong for and that's when I broke. My brother was the one who was strong for me. He took care of me, Winnie, the house, Eli's Legacy, which was in its early stages, he took care of everything. I'll never be able to repay him for all he's done.

We're at the dinner table when he asks, "So when do we get to meet Emma?"

My mom instantly perks up as she waits for my reply.

"She'll be at the opening of Cassie's Hope, so as long as you all still plan on coming to that then you can meet her then."

My mom chimes in then. "We look forward to it. So are things getting serious then?"

My brother laughs because mom is notorious for butting in on our private lives.

"I don't know mom. I really like her and I think there's a possibility of something serious but I'm taking things slow. You know?"

"I know dear. Just remember Cassie would want you to be happy. Does Emma make you happy?"


"Then don't over think it. That's all I ask."

"I'll try." And I mean it. I really am trying.

The rest of my stay in Chicago goes by quickly. I visited some more old friends and checked in on the foundation. A few people have agreed to make the move to Cincinnati to help with the setup of the new location. They'll be coming out after the New Year when we'll get that up and running and Cassie's Hope should be ready to go in early spring so things are coming along nicely.

It's finally time to head back home. I miss Emma even though we talked everyday. I can't wait to get my hands on her. I also miss Winnie. She's staying with Oliver and Lily. Her and Milo have become best friends so I'm sure she's happy. I head there on my way home from the airport.

I ring the doorbell and listen to the dogs going crazy while I wait. Lily answers the door with Olivia in her arms and two dogs going crazy at her feet.

"Hi, Leo. Welcome to the madhouse."

"Hey, Lil."  I step inside and go down on the floor to give Winnie some love. And Milo of course.

"There's my sweet girl. I missed you. Did you miss me?" She responds with a whimper and tail wag then she licks me. "I'll take that as a yes."

When I stand up I reach out for Olivia. "And there's my princess. Come give Uncle Leo some love." I take her and kiss her cheek and then I give her a raspberry and she giggles. Lily walks into the kitchen and the dogs and I follow.

"Can I get you a drink?"

"Sure. A beer would be good. Where's Ollie?"

I sit on a stool and place Olivia on the island so she's facing me. She keeps grabbing my nose. I make honking sounds when she does it and she thinks it's funny.

"He ran over to Andrews for a minute to help him with something. He should be right back. How was Chicago?"

"It was good. It was nice to see the family. How was your Christmas?"

"It was nice. Having everyone come here was good. We didn't have to pack everything up for Olivia or worry about Milo. It definitely made things easier. Plus both our mothers came over and did all the cooking and cleaning so I got off extremely easy."

"That's the way to do. How was Winnie?"

"A complete angel. So is so good with Olivia."

"Yeah, she definitely has motherly instincts when it comes to kids. She was always looking out for Eli." I tickle Olivia and she giggles and throws herself in my arms. I close my eyes and just hold on for a minute.

"Hey. You okay? I know the holidays must be rough."

I open my eyes and look at Lily. "They are. But so is every other day. But I'm okay." She comes over and hugs me and Olivia.

Just then Oliver walks in the door. "Hey, get your hands off my wife."

I laugh,"Shes the one all over me. I can't help if you can't keep her satisfied."

Lily slaps my arm but also laughs. "Now Oliver knows that's a damn lie. I am thoroughly satisfied." She kisses Oliver on the cheek.

"Damn straight you are." He reaches out and touches Olivia. She's resting her cheek on my chest and her eyes are getting heavy. "Baby girl, did you miss your Ucle Leo?"

"Of course she did. I'm her favorite."

"Well its almost this sweet girls bedtime so I better take her." Lily's about to reach out for her but I stop her.

"Can I do it? Or do have to nurse her?"

Lily gives me a sad smile. "You can do it. I pumped earlier and have milk in the fridge. I'll get it ready. Ollie why don't you take them up and show him where her pajamas are. I'll bring the bottle up when its done."

Oliver and I head up to Olivia's room and he pulls out her pajamas and then sits in the rocker while I change her.

"How you holding up man?"

"I'm hanging in there. Christmas was hard. Seeing all the little kids running around on sugar highs and opening presents. Eli should of been there." Olivia's clapping her hands and making all kinds of sounds and I can't help but smile. "Man I miss this age. They are so happy and don't have a care in the world. And the way they look at you? Its like you hung the moon." I finish getting her dressed and then I pick her up and hold her. "I know it sounds cliché but make sure you cherish every lilttle moment with this sweet girl. Because, Ollie, what I wouldn't do to have moments like this back."

Oliver stands up and hugs me. "I know. I know. I miss him too."

Lily walks in then. "Hey. Her bottles ready." She walks over and kisses Olivias cheek and then she goes up on her toes and does the same to me. "Take your time. We'll be downstairs."

They leave and I sit in the chair and rock Olivia as I give her her bottle. I start to sing Baby Mine, it's a song I use to sing to Eli all the time when I put him to bed. Before I know it the tears are falling down my cheeks. God, I miss my son.

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