New beginnings...

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The month in Chicago goes extremely slow but its finally moving day. Everything is packed up and I'm standing in Eli's empty bedroom. Cass and I left it the way it was after he passed away. She wasn't ready to get rid of his things so his room stayed just the way he left it. And then after she died I couldn't face the room by myself. I kept the door closed. The cleaning lady cleaned it whenever she came but other than that no one ever went in his room. I stepped in it for the first time two weeks ago when I went in to pack all his things up. I could of had the movers do it but I knew I needed the closure for myself. I barely got through it and then I proceeded to drink myself stupid. I gave everything to charity except for his second favorite stuffed animal Mister Flopsy, his raggedy old bunny. His favorite stuffed animal was Louie the Lion. We buried Louie with Eli. I turn and walk out of my sons room for the last time.

I don't make it five feet before I slide down the wall and burst into tears. I bury my face in my hands and cry for the millionth time for the lose of that beautiful little boy. I feel a nudge on my arm and when I raise my head Winnie lays her head on top of my knees and just looks at me.

Winnie's a red merle australian shepard. She is the sweetest and most beautiful dog I've ever seen. Cass and I got her while Cass was pregnant. We wanted Eli to have someone to grow up with. She was amazing with Eli. She watched over him and never left his side. We were even able to bring her to the hospital towards the end. Eli's gone. Cass is gone. Now its just me and Winnie.

Once I pull myself together Winnie and I head outside. The movers are waiting for me in the truck. Winnie and I get in the Audi and drive away as the movers follow.

I was born and raised here in Chicago. My family's big into real-estate and development and owns half of Chicago. My family owed the architectural firm that Oliver and I use to work for. I could of been running the place but I preferred to do the actual hands on work. Not just sitting behind a desk and bossing people around. I was a double major in an architectural engineering and business management at Northwestern.

Now I just run Eli's Legacy. I took leave from the firm when Eli was sick and I just never went back. My family understood of course. They were devastated themselves. They told me I'm welcome back if and when I'm ready. They're also huge supporters of Eli's Legacy.

The drive from Chicago to the new house takes almost five hours. I put Winnie in the backyard so she's not in the way as the movers load everything into the house. When I walk inside there are packages all ready set against the walls all throughout the house. They're all of Cassie's paintings and photographs. I had the gallery come to the house in Chicago and professionally pack and ship all her artwork and then I had Ollie meet the delivery guys here in Cincinnati to let them in.

Cass was an amazing artist. She had her own art gallery where she could showcase her own work and the work of other local artists. Her work really took off and people from all over the world now have Cassie Baker Originals hanging in their homes. I was incredibly proud of her. Most of her paintings are abstract but she was also amazingly talented with a camera. I'm very lucky to have beautiful photos of Eli and us as a family. Even Winnie.

Later that evening my doorbell rings.

"Hey Oliver. Come on in. The place is still a work in progress so watch your step."

Oliver hands me a nice bottle of bourbon. "House warming gift. How was the drive down?"

"It was okay, no major delays and Winnie was great company." Just then Winnie comes running down the stares and straight for Oliver.

"There's my pretty girl. I missed you." He's down on one knee giving her a good belly rub.

"Thanks for this. You want a glass?"

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