Final Goodbyes...

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The day of mom's funeral turns out to be a beautiful day. While it's still chilly out the sun is shining brightly and there's not a cloud in the sky. Tons of people show up to pay their respects and while I appreciate all the kind words I just want this day to be over. My dad gives moms eulogy. He has a hard time getting through it and seeing him in so much pain is more than I can handle. I thought I had cried all my tears but I was wrong.

I decided instead of saying anything that I would sing. Mom and dad always loved to watch me preform. As I walk up to the alter I can barely see through my tears. Once there I take a minute to try to calm myself. When I'm ready I turn and face the crowd.

"My mom lit up every room she walked into. She had a smile that instantly made everything brighter and a hug that made everything better. She loved everyone and was loved by everyone. She loved to dance. In the kitchen, at weddings, in the backyard. Anywhere. If there was music, mom was dancing. That's why I chose this song. Mom, I hope your dancing up there right now. I love you."

The music starts and I start to sing Dancing in the Sky. The tears run down my face as I sing about her dancing in the sky and how since she's been gone it feels like everything good is missing. Without her I definitely feel like a part of me is missing.

When the song ends I look over the crowd as I walk back to my seat. I see Leo in the back of the church. I want nothing more than to run to him. I want him to hold me and take away my pain but I don't. Instead when he gives me a sad little smile I give him one in return and take my seat next to my dad. When the service is over we head to he cemetery and say our final goodbyes. Afterwards, close friends and family gather back at my parents house.

About fifteen minutes after we arrive my friends walk in. Leo included. We stare at each other from across the room. When he opens his arms I go to him. As he wraps his arms around me the flood gates open once more. He quietly leads me into my parents room and closes the door. He makes me sit on the bed with him and he just holds me until I eventually calm down.

"Thank you." I say quietly into his neck where my face is buried.

He's slowly rubbing his hand up and down my back. "For what?"

"For being here. For just letting me cry and not trying to make it better with words. You just being here and holding me is what I needed."

He pulls his head back so he can look at me. "Of course I'm here. I told you I would be. And as for not trying to make it better, I know all to well that there are no words to make it better. But if my being here and holding you is giving you any kind of comfort at all then I'm not going anywhere."

When we go back out to join everyone Leo stays close by, giving his silent support. He makes an absolutely horrible day bearable.

In the evening as everyone leaves Lily, Oliver and Leo stay to help with the clean up. Lily pulls me aside to check on me.

"How you holding up?"

"I still can't believe she's gone. Its like I'm in a nightmare just waiting to wake up."

"Sweetie I am so very sorry. I can't even imagine. She was so young and I know you guys were close. I'm here for anything you need. You know that."

"I do. Thank you. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome to come snuggle Olivia anytime you want. She's great at putting a smile on people's faces." She hugs me and I hold on tight.

"Yes she is. I'll definitely take you up on that."

When everything is cleaned up Oliver and Lily leave. Then I walk outside on the porch with Leo.

"Are you staying here tonight?"

"No, I'm going to go home. My grandparents are staying here so my dad won't be alone."

"What about you? Will you be okay alone?"

Part of me wants to tell him no because I know he'll offer to stay with me. But I know I can't do that. He still needs time. I want to be with him but when we're together again I want it to be for good. I want to know that we have a future. So I'll wait.

"I'll be okay." He looks like he's about to say something but I change the subject. "Just a couple more weeks until Cassie's Hope opens. Are you excited?"

"Yeah. Things are coming along nicely. It will be good for a lot of families so I'm excited to get it up and running. Will you be at the ribbon cutting ceremony?"

"Do you still want me there?"

He places his hand on the side of my face and rubs his thumb across my cheek. "Of course I do."

"Then I'll be there."

"You sounded beautiful today when you sang for your mom. She would of been proud."

I try to fight back the tears but I can't and he wipes them away. "Thank you."

"Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself tonight? Can I at least drive you home?"

"I'll be okay. I promise. Thank you."

"Will you at least let me know when you get home so I know you made it okay?"

"Yes, I can do that."

"Thank you." He pulls me in and holds me tight. When he finally pulls back he places a soft kiss on my lips. "I'll talk to you in a little bit then?"

"Yes." He nods his head and walks to his car.

I go inside and say my goodbyes to my dad and grandparents and then I head home.

On my way home I get lost in thought about my mom and Leo. I can't believe my mom is gone before she even turned sixty. I should of still had so much time with her. She should of been here to see my get married and have babies.

While stopped at a red light I debate turning around and heading in the direction of Leo's house. If I showed up there and tell him I changed my mind and didn't want to be alone he wouldn't hesitate to let me in. When I think of marriage and babies I think of Leo. He's the one I want to have a future with. He's the one I want to grow old with. I hope he figures out what he wants soon. I decide to stick with my original plan and just head home. I'll continue to give him the space and time he needs to heal so we can hopefully be together on day soon.

The light turns green and as I head into the intersection Leo is the last thought I have before everything goes black.

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