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Two handsomely dashing students dragged a still dazed Jungkook into the big flower garden of the university. They checked Jungkook head to toe as they were worried about him. Jungkook looks at them with his big doe eyes, one is blondie and the other is brownie.

"Are you okay? Jungkookie?" Jimin asked.

"Does it hurts somewhere?" Taehyung asked.

He answered both of them with a small, "I am fine" but he still looked dazed. Jimin found a huge tree shade and they all collectively decided to sit there and catch up with each other.

"Who were they?" Jungkook asked out loud, starting the conversation. "Don't know the other one but the one who caught you before you fell down, he is Kim Seokjin, the eldest prince of The Redwood Kingdom. My kingdom is right beside theirs and my family is friends with them for years." Taehyung answered.

"And you are telling me this now? Tae, he is the brother of that pothead prince Namjoon, he is that ghostly ice prince who never showed up for classes but still topped all exams with excellent performance. I am sure they have some dirty play cards up their sleeves, they are the definition of trickery." Jimin fumed in anger as he lightly hit the shoulder of Taehyung.

"Even I saw him today. He never showed up to any merged social events of our kingdoms. I only heard about his great personality with a handsome face. I don't know about his personality but he is surely handsome. Not more than me of course 😁" Taehyung laughed as he defended himself from Jimin's punches.

Jungkook watched them silently with a fond smile on his face. Not ready for a human weight being thrown on his back. He was surprised as he felt a pair of hands circling him in a friendly death grip. He laughed out, "hobi hyung, you are choking me" don't worry he was being a little dramatic. "You didn't even care to notify me of your acceleration in studies... Wahh.... Am that much of an old man to you? Hah? Brats... Come here you....." Jung Hoseok pretended to be angry and hurt because he felt ignored by his dongsaengs. He tackled both Taehyung and Jimin who attempted to get away but failed, still having Jungkook in his death grip. They all shared a hearty laugh and spent rest of the day catching up with each other. In those days of the early 20th century of the multiverse, there was not much development in the field of scientific inventions, of course there were t.v., trains and landline phones but no planes or any digital tools that we see today.

If Jungkook had his hyungs by his side, he is ready to go through anything. He was unaware but still excited of what this university has for him to experience, up until now, he was surely trained for the best but he was never allowed outside the field of the world. His Minnie hyung, Taehyungie hyung and Hobi hyung were the only best friends he managed to make from those suffocating ballroom parties of the royals. They stayed in contact by letters delivered by their faithful pet eagles. Now they'll be studying at the same university campus so they can spend time together to build good and lasting relations.

This university serves another purpose at the side as the bonding place for the young generation of the royals. Kingdoms merge and bond by the marriage or friendship of their successors to become strong and influential. As the outer adequate they all addressed each other with their respective honours, but as they study, they live their lives as any other university students. The only difference between the common and royal University was their curriculum and facilities. Common universities provide education for the working class, military Universities train soldiers for their respective Kingdoms and royal universities train royal bloods to be good successors of their kingdom and rule for the benefit of the mass people of their kingdom. There are a few places in the world where RWC hasestablished their academies and the kingdoms that have those academy areas under their ruling, become host of other kingdoms.

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