A New Beginning

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It has been a week after the bond between the first homosexual-married-royal-couple was broken. The matter was of course kept away from the public eyes. Prince Jungkook was still bed ridden due to declining energy and strength, alarming the royal residency. The king excused the crown prince to take care of his spouse or should we say, punished the crown prince to serve his husband personally. All the servants and attendees of the couple were granted vacations with promotive salaries until further notice. The queen personally prepared the food for Jungkook. She was beauty with brain and skills, she was not driving but supporting pillar of the royal family. She was always there for her loved ones to come back to, she wanted best for her family like any other ordinary person. Just because their fate turned out to be extraordinary, doesn't mean that they are any different than a normal human being.

The prince was taking care of the prince Jungkook without uttering a word. Ever so observant, Jungkook noticed the eyes that were cast downwards in attempts to avoid eye contact with someone in particular. He noticed how the dominant aura of the prince was faltering as soon as he was reminded of a creature named Jeon Jungkook, namely, his spouse, his husband, whom he mistreated. He was the bad guy here, so of course he should be punished.

Far from what should have happened, Jungkook forgot everything he has been through since he came to this foreign land, leaving his own, instead, he was beating up himself for not noticing the subtle signs that were given by the prince, at least he should have been able to see the obvious - friendly behaviour - that the much infamous Mr.ice Prince never showed it to anyone. Things could have taken different turns and reached a different conclusion. Why is it that life plays this tricky game of fate and destiny. If someone is destined to be together, they should have been fated to be together as well, but no, cruel fate has to go and play games of crossing or parallel paths of red threads that end up destined to be together for eternity or for a few moments.

The prince Seokjin was blaming himself for how he mistreated someone he loved. Still he felt that he wasn't being himself when he came to know about his behaviour before the bond was broken and he lost his memories. He would die for people he cared for, not mistreat them. He felt like he was possessed. But can a vampire be possessed by someone else when he/she has already been possessed by their own hormonal lust for human blood?

Another week passed by, there was no difference in the state of prince Jungkook. His health was deteriorating. He could hardly manage to keep the foods in, sleep and the heavy weight of his skinny muscles kept him bound to his bed. Seokjin felt that his chance to apologise and precious time that he wanted to use rebuild their relationship was slipping away. One day, while feeding the prince Jungkook, Seokjin silently shed tears, watching his first love suffer because of him. If he controlled himself better, things might have been different on a good note. Jungkook noticed how the prince zoned out in his own thoughts while feeding him, seeing the hand still in halfway in the air and his eyes having that gaze of regret. He decided to address the matter and finally have a proper conversation with the prince.

"You should have told me." Jungkook said, bringing Seokjin back from his zoned out space.

"What?" Seokjin asked, not knowing the context of the conversation.

"You should have told me that you wanted to befriend me. Considering your Mr. Ice Prince image and you being my senior, of course I would keep my distance from you. We might have a different experience during our time at the academy. Also, If you were interested in me, you should have approached with a proposal that I might have been able to reject. I also want the freedom of choosing you as you chose me. No doubt that you are dense about romantic stuff, you've been mistreating me unknowingly. You were the one deciding to create the bond, then I should have been the one to decide if I want to break it or not. I would have thought of something else as a solution than breaking the bond that hurts us both. Because you acted irrationally, we are now standing in between nowhere. From now on, I want you to ask for my consent, opinion and thoughts on our relationship. Understand?" Jungkook finally looked at the prince after his long babbling, expecting any kind of reaction. But he got shocked at what he got to witness, The Mr.Ice Prince was kneeling before him? Impossible was happening. He opened his mouth to say something but found himself at a loss of words. So he just waited for the prince to share his side of the story.

The prince started, "I apologise for my behaviour up until now. You need not say anything to make me feel less guilty, I have committed the sin of mistreating someone I dearly love. I confess that I was unable to express my feelings towards you. Can't even blame my work holic and cold - insensitive image that I have. Forcing marriage was the only way that I saw when I thought of ways to keep you near me as my life partner, but in this world, there was no custom of marriage between men, so I just used political means to put pressure on your kingdom to agree. After our marriage, I tried to respect your space and gave you time to adjust here, gave you sleeping pills so I can feed on you without you knowing, because I was afraid of your reaction about me being a vampire. I marked you against your will, merely out of jealousy. After that, I don't remember much, I think I lost my memories because I attempted to break the bond. I am sorry I-" the prince was interrupted by Jungkook silencing him through a gentle kiss on his lips, their lips stayed on each other longer than expected. The prince was taken aback. This was the first gentle touch he was experiencing after his mother's touch. He couldn't believe that the prince Jungkook took the initiative and this wasn't a rough kiss filled with lust, but it was gentle and full of love.

"Enough-" Jungkook spoke and again pressed his lips on the other, he began kissing the face of the prince, starting with lips, nose, forehead, teary eyes, both the cheeks and lips again. "Enough with blaming each other. Let's say we both were at fault. Let's start again. This time it won't be one sided but both of our efforts together to make our messed up relationship better, for the future of our kingdoms, for ourselves." Jungkook rested his forehead onto the prince's. He caresses the tearstained face of the prince, wiping away the remaining wetness on his face.

"W-why are you like t-this. Do I deserve any second chance? When I hurt you greatly. I should be punished. You should hate me. Then w-why are you not hating me?" Seokjin finally lets out things that were bothering him. He wasn't able to accept how forgiving and accepting Jungkook was. Besides his own family, Seokjin has never met anyone who selflessly approached him. Everyone around him kept their relations with him because he had something that they selfishly want. Everyone around him except his own family, showed him fake emotions. The genuine feelings and emotions of his family made him able to differentiate between fake and real. It was hard for him to believe that Jungkook's feelings, emotions and behaviour stayed the same as they were before the things went wrong. He was culprit of Jungkook. He should be punishing him, not kissing him!

"I don't deserve you. You should leave m-" the prince was yet again interrupted by a kiss. This time, he was bitten on the lips. He grunts, in turmoil of emotions in his mind, he opens his mouth for Jungkook to initiate a tongue kiss. The slow and steady pace of Jungkook's kiss was too much of a torture for him, so he took the lead, making Jungkook moan. He laid Jungkook back on the bed, breaking the kiss. "I think you should rest now" he got up and took the empty utensils intending to get out of this room and situation because he doesn't know how to respond to whatever happened just now. Before he could open the door, he heard Jungkook saying something that he never expected, that made him turn back and look right into the eyes of Jungkook who was sitting on the bed across the room.

"I would like to be marked by you again" There was determination, warmth and love in those big doe eyes that flickered with colour blue.

"You deserve bette-" Seokjin started but still got interrupted,

"Because... I love you."

There was pin drop silence in the room, one can even hear the air walking. The intensity of the eye contact that was held between the two was immense with how their eyes burned with every positive emotion at once, passion, love, lust, care, hope, excitement. It was the beginning of something new and fresh.
----------------The End--------------------------
A/n:- phew ... finally got to use these three magical words 💜

It's the end of the book, not the story,

Stay tuned and keep reading for extras✍️

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