Overload of Pain

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A little 18+

Jungkook spent the whole day resting and avoiding people, he couldn't find it in himself to face the people who had the job to take care of him. He was embarrassed of himself. He was sure that everyone who had their chambers near their bedroom for the ease of availability for service, they might have heard everything, They might be disgusted to take care of such a weak person like himself. But to his surprise, he didn't get the reaction he was anticipating, The servants at his service took his care very well. However, Jungkook didn't utter a word with anyone. He stayed locked up in ....their room on his own. He didn't even join the family dinner. He was hoping to find a light in this darkness of his life, he felt his conscience going frantically here and there looking for comfort but he couldn't find anything inside this cage of castle. Throughout the week he kept the facade of a calm and collected person, but he was slowly dying inside. Thankfully, he didn't run into the Ice Prince since he didn't come to their shared bedroom anymore. He didn't know what happened but he was thankful for a few sleepless but relaxing nighters.

At midnight, when he was still awake painting, he heard the door being unlocked. His mind raced through possible visitors at midnight, but then, The Ice Prince came through that door, reminding Jungkook that he has been married for almost a month now. How unfortunate. Jungkook still wanted to focus on his painting but he felt the intense stare of the prince on himself. He heard the door being locked, he turned around to face the prince, he was going to suggest that he could go to the guest room to continue his work if the prince wanted to sleep. But before he could do or say anything, he felt himself being engulfed in bone crushing hold and his mouth being invaded. "Mmmfmm..." He tried to resist but the suddenness and strength of the arms of the prince were immense. Due to this fumbling, they both stumbled but the prince caught them both and took a seat on the couch where Jungkook was seated earlier to paint. He straddled Jungkook in such a position that their pride would get as much friction as possible and of course in such a manner that every curve of Jungkook's body is accessible for him.

Jungkook can smell the alcohol from the prince. This made him furious and he resisted with all his might just to get bitten and sucked around his neck and his body being explored against his will. "Hah...ah..." Jungkook kept his gaze upward at the ceiling. His body was being touched and neck was being painted with love bites. There were tears welled up in his eyes. He was angry with how his life was turned miserably upside down by the Prince but he was also disappointed with himself. He was embarrassed of how his own body reacted when it was explored by the Prince. He felt the heat building up inside of himself, he felt aroused by how the Prince handled him. The Prince was aggressive but there was a little hint of care. Jungkook refused to believe that the Prince could be human, he was anything but human. He was a devil in disguise. He will hate the Prince for eternity. Politically and socially, the prince has the upper hand in their relationship. Jungkook was never a submissive one, he always got to dominate situations as a prince. But here, for the wellbeing of his kingdom, Jeon Jungkook accepted his submission to the Prince, out of compulsion that was imposed upon them by the Kim family. As said before, Jeon Jungkook's body can be claimed by the Prince but not the soul.

Near early morning, Jungkook tiredly closed his eyes, letting himself slip away in dreamland as he stared at his painting that was placed on the side table of the couch. A caged Bird looking, searching hopefully for any kind of light of hope while being surrounded by all kinds of dark aura. Jungkook liked expressing himself through his paintings. He was feeling just like the caged Bird. In the painting he gave the bird a light of hope to look forward to, but in his life there was no light of hope, he felt stuck in an endless void with no way out.
Seokjin's pov:
He very well knew the reputation of Mr.Ice Prince that he had in the university. In this world of the multiverse, humankind lived in harmony, avoiding the wars. Let me quote again, 'humankind' lived in peace, other species of humankind were wiped out from this world. All the human empires got together and hunted them down. The royal family of Kims of the Redwood Kingdom were only ones who managed to save themselves and kept their identity a secret. But as they were vampires, human blood was an elixir to them. They kept servants who would provide them with blood and also keep their secret to show loyalty towards their kingdom and motherland. The royal family was very talented, not because they were vampires but the king made sure that his entire family, knights and civilians were trained to fight, protect and survive on their own. The princes were no exception. They were taught to hide their identity and trust no one except the alliance. While getting trained in university, they dominated the topic of gossip without even trying. Their looks and talent spoke for them. But since they were to keep their identity hidden, they led a quiet aloof college life. They rarely engage themselves in college life. As a change, the younger Prince, Namjoon went on a spree of flirting, drinking blood of his one night stand and making them forget the moments afterwards. The eldest Prince, Seokjin kept himself extremely reserved and aloof. He didn't like anyone or anything holding him back from what he wanted.

Seokjin stared at the person sleeping beside him. This was the very person who kept coming into his life without his consent. First, he almost lost a sword battle because of this person. Secondly, out of the whole university, he wonders, why on earth they had to pair him up with this person. He did his best to avoid this person because he feared that this person might become his first weakness. Yet, he ended up getting married to that very person he tried hard not to get involved with. He remembers the time almost a month ago when they both took vows to be together forever and consider the other as their husband- the other half- beloved- his food supplier- he took the vows emotionlessly. He saw the other looking not so enthusiastic, it was not hard for him to understand that this marriage was indeed forced upon both of them. But his question was WHY HIM and nobody else?

From the first time he saw prince Jungkook at the university, he fell in love. He thought of approaching but given his reputation as Mr.Ice Prince, he was sure so many rumours would arise that might affect both of them and their kingdoms, so he stopped. When he was paired with the prince, he thought they were destined, he again tried to approach but hesitated, he was skeptical about the reaction he might receive from the prince, he was afraid of being rejected. To top it off, he was a loner and didn't know how to socialize, he could have conversations with people he knew comfortably. But here we are talking about his love interest who might reject him on the basis of his behaviour. Now that he was married to his love interest without even trying to court his love, he lost control over his emotions pretty soon. It was seen as a sign of weakness, so he stayed away and kept his distance, he pretended to have good night time with the prince. While making him take sleeping pills secretly and drinking his blood only necessarily, just so he can indicate to the residence of the royal palace that their marriage is going well and good and that they are happy with each other. However, doing that didn't stop him from getting jealous when Jungkook was entertaining the guests. He didn't do anything absurd or unethical, no, not even touching or handshaking, still he got jealous, when Jungkook refused to eat the dessert, he was afraid a little to face the prince Jungkook, because he wasn't sure what to expect. This anxiety turned into anger and matter of pride and messed up every chance that he was dreaming to have with his now husband, his love interest.

Seokjin heard some shuffling beside him, he thought that the prince Jungkook was waking up and he was still not out of the bed before him like he used to do, he used to come into the room after the prince Jungkook sleeps and leaves before he wakes up, but now there was no time to do that so he just pretends to sleep.
A/n:- In my previous two Jinkook most viewed books, it was always Jungkook who falls in love first. So in this book I have decided to make Seokjin run for it this time🤭.

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