The Day

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The day was finally here. Their first wedding anniversary. The whole kingdom was invited to the castle for a ball. The guests were arriving in the morning. The celebration was supposed to go on till midnight. The crown prince and the prince Jungkook were dressed in their wedding garments, accompanying the king and the queen by attending to the guests around the main hall. They were congratulated by the people of their kingdom by a presentation of a folklore of a loving pair of birds destined to be together. Their allies also came to this celebration to make some memories and relationships.

The whole day, Jungkook was trying to have a talk with the crown prince, but failed as the prince initiates random conversations with the guests they are hosting, indirectly, avoiding him. The time was spent chatting, playing games, having drinks and gossiping. After dinner, the ball dance was opened by the royal couple's first dance at the centre of the hall. This was pretty much the first time jinkook couple was 'dancing'. With how the personality and the image of the crown prince is, no one expected him to dance, but when a sweet, loving and uplifting melody started to play, some children dragged the couple at the front. Probably, work of the queen. The couple just went along with it.

Jungkook was surprised how gentle the crown prince was with him. The prince handled and guided Jungkook through the dance like he was some kind of fragile gem that can break anytime. It was his first time dancing the female part of the dance, so he appreciated the gesture of the prince. Even though the face of the prince was expressionless, up close, Jungkook could see the prince's eyes full of love, staring right back at him.

As they finished dancing, the whole crowd erupted in loud cheering and clappings. They bowed and went back to their seats to let others enjoy the dancing. Jungkook wanted to finally find a chance to talk to the prince but was again interrupted by a guard, he whispered something in the prince's ear. The prince nodded and went off somewhere. Jungkook wanted to follow but again was interrupted by a guest. He has had enough, he looked around and found the guard that whispered something in the prince's ear. He got to know that the prince asked to prepare a horse to go somewhere. He got curious and was done with the annoying chatterbox of guests disturbing him. He left the party. It was two hours till midnight. He decided to go to their shared bedroom first to freshen up. While doing so, he came across a letter that reads,

Prince Jungkook
Of the Jeon Dynasty,

Since I was always the one to go ahead and make decisions about our relationships, I think you should be aware of this last decision that I took. It's for the sake of both of us, that I am doing this.

Ever since our wedding, you showed endless hatred towards me. I must confess that the ways of advances that I forced on you, were pure result of my inability to express my emotions. I never learnt how to do that. I was taught to conceal and control.

Since I am the root cause of your misery, I am going to set you free from the cage of bonds between us. I found a way to reverse the bonding process between a human and a vampire.

You will be free to go back to your kingdom without any concerns. As for the public eyes, I will be leaving you for a princess, so that you don't suffer any criticism because of me. If you wish, I will be happy to become an alliance of your kingdom.

Before we end this, I want to genuinely confess that I love you. I fell deeper in love the more time I spent with you at the university. I am grateful for all the happy memories you gave me. Thank you for coming into my life, and, I am sorry, I apologise for giving you only bad memories. I won't ask for forgiveness. I know what I have done to you cannot be forgiven. I hope you forget your past with me and find a future with someone that you love and care about.

Goodbye my first and last love

Always yours
Kim Seokjin

Jungkook didn't realise that he was crying until the tears fell on the paper. Jungkook weakly fell back on the ground. He suddenly remembered all the time he spent with the prince at the university. How the prince took care of him when he was sick, not only that, their short and quick witted conversations when they meet each other in the evening. He subtly remembered the prince looking at him fondly following him when he moved around the house, working on the cases, and the prince, nonchalantly relaxing near the window, ready to go on his night shift. He failed to notice that. Since he might react shockingly, the prince might have been giving him sleeping medicines to get over the rituals of the bonding. But there is no explanation of the prince forcing himself upon him. That hurts, being ignored and treated like a porcelain doll. There were many questions he wanted to ask but the person in question was not here. If the prince broke the bond, everything will end and fall back to how it was. He doesn't know much about vampire rituals but one thing is for sure that whatever that method of unbound is, it is related to the heart of the crown prince. Jungkook was never a killer, fortunately, he didn't face any war or conflicts while he grew up. He never wished for the worst even for his enemies. If it concerns the heart and the health of the crown prince, He needs to stop this reckless method which might not have any proof of results.

Jungkook sprints out of the castle and asks the guards if they have seen the direction where the prince went. He seemed to head towards the mountain forest near the east borders. Jungkook didn't waste any time and jumped on a horse that was standing near the gates where the guests parked their carriages. He was riding the horse, making it go as fast as it could. Besides painting, horse riding was his favourite outdoor sport and he was good at it. Upon entering the forest, he didn't have any idea where the prince might have gone so he started looking for a fresh horse trail that might have been left behind by the horse that the prince was riding. He looked up, it was almost midnight and the full moon was gracefully spreading moonlight on the earth, making it lit up with all shades of soft blue moonlight.
It was almost midnight. The prince was ready to carry out the method. He asked his guards to prepare a horse for him, since he was planning to escape the party and finish the process of breaking the bond. And for that he needed to be away from all the senses of his vampire family and husband, or else they might question his actions again without giving him a chance to explain.

He was using this enchanted dagger to stab his own heart

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He was using this enchanted dagger to stab his own heart. This knife was specially made from five elements of nature and holy water of the church. He had some of his underlings collect some of the ingredients that are required to forge the weapon. This knife is powerful enough to pierce a vampire's heart into two and break the unwanted bond between the vampire and the human. He was standing in a cave, where the moonlight was falling from above and the reflection of moonlight from a small pond nearby, was lighting up the whole cave, soothing the impending anxiety of Seokjin. He doesn't want to waste much time after coming this far and retreat, so he goes straight for it, stabbing his own heart. The power of the knife unleashed when it came into contact with vampire blood. It sent burning sensation throughout the whole body of Seokjin. Being a vampire, he never thought, how it would feel like to feel warm, but here, he was feeling like someone has set him on fire. His whole body ached and he became weak, it was hard to even stand, the pain made his eyes roll back as he lost consciousness. There he lay lifeless on the cold ground of the cave. Some sort of life force erupted from his body and went inside the red stone of the dagger.
There. Jungkook finally found the horse that was possibly ridden by the crown prince. He looked around and found a cave across the small stream. Before he could cross the stream, he felt a strong jab on his heart, his neck burning. He clutched tightly on the parts that were hurting and drops down on the ground, trying to bear the pain. What was this feeling? Was he too late to stop things from escalating? Will he never get to ask those questions which were hunting him endlessly from the past few months?

No. He must not give up. He needs to find the prince and bring him back to where he belongs, beside his family, beside him. After the marriage if you see, the prince was the only person concerned about his life. Even if their feelings and emotions are tangled and a mess. They need to stay together in order to face the difficulties of life together. He mustered up all the strength he had and made his way to the cave. There he found the prince laying lifelessly on the ground with a knife stabbed into his heart, blood oozing out of him. Stumbling he made his way to the prince. Halfway he lost all the strength and had to drag himself so that he could sit beside the prince. He tried touching the face of the prince, attempting to wake him up but failed. His breathing was becoming heavier. He pulled out the knife that was stabbed into the heart of the prince and tried to stop the bleeding. He tried to put more pressure but his own heart was pounding so loud and he had a headache, his whole body ached and he fell on the chest of the prince, losing his consciousness. There they lay under the moonlight, two unfortunate souls which were destined to be together, but entangled in the cruel game of fate.

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