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Jungkook stumbled in his- sorry. In their bedroom for the first time. The maids assigned to attend him took him here after he got drunk in his sadness during the reception party. He dismissed them once he was inside the room. Stumbling, he made his way to the bed and tried to sleep his pain off, but even sleep betrayed him. There he lay on the bed wide awake and staring at nothingness. He felt a sting of pain in his head and dizziness came over him. He let himself go in the darkness of an unfamiliar room that was, ironically, his lifetime prison.
Morning came and Jungkook woke up feeling overly exhausted. He brushed it off as tiredness from last night's lavish reception party. To his surprise, he can sense the presence of Mr. Ice Prince in the room, but he was not there. The prince wore a peculiar perfume at the party that irritated Jungkook. Maybe it was just for the reason to annoy him.

If the prince was here then why not talk to him? What does he think of himself? A prince? Well, he is a prince but the level of arrogance of Mr. Ice prince is a problem. Not talking and not even looking at his NOW husband for life is not a good sign. His so-called husband, The Ice Prince didn't even spare a glance at him during their wedding. He himself was busy drowning in his own  misery. What is he supposed to take this behaviour for? In hopes of finding answers he got dressed and went out of his room. He was led to the dining hall by the servants of the Kim Castle. The king and queen were already seated and waiting for other family members. Jungkook bowed to them and sat down on the chair next to the queen because she insisted so. Who was he to deny? Besides, the king and the queen looked quite happy to have him and were flashing him their warmest smiles. Before he could do or say anything further, the door opened again and both prince Namjoon and Seokjin came into the dining hall. Namjoon took the seat in front of the queen and left Seokjin to take the seat in front of Jungkook *cough* his husband *cough*. Both of the princes looked like they had come from some war. They had their stone face on but anyone could tell that they were fighting with each other. The king tried to lighten up the mood and announced that they'll be having guests from the empire of Japan. That surely made Namjoon smile just a little and Seokjin scoff. The king informed Jungkook to supervise the preparations for their guests, as a son-in-law, he has to present himself in front of the world and this will be a good start since the empire of Japan is their friend for years back. Jungkook politely accepted and assured the king that he will be doing his best to welcome their guests. That made someone's heart burn, but it went unnoticed since it's an internal body issue.

The entire day, Jungkook was busy supervising the preparations, as they received an early notice of arrival from their guests that they'll be arriving by the next morning. The queen also helped giving advice and hints for making the preparations how their guests would like. She was very pleased by how caring and perfect Jungkook was. After dinner when Jungkook was returning to his-their room, the queen called him to accompany her on the walk near the balcony. She grabbed Jungkook's hands and thanked him for marrying her son Seokjin even after knowing everything. This caught Jungkook confused. He apologized and asked for clarification but the queen looked terrified. He can see both anger and fear bubbling up in her eyes. Before she could say anything, a servant came and informed that the king was asking for the queen's presence. The queen left without saying anything but not before giving a motherly kiss on Jungkook's forehead. For a moment, he felt he saw his own mother from whom he was now separated for ever. Meaning, he can still visit them whenever he likes but there is a difference between visiting and living with your parents. The warmth they provide, no one else in the world can provide. But here was Jungkook, receiving a motherly kiss on his forehead by his mother-in-law. Now Jungkook really misses his family back home. There he was not only close with his parents but other castle dwellers also. He was friends with the maids and servants who practically raised him, soldiers who trained him to be the person who he was today. Sigh... Another day , another feeling. Jungkook decided to sleep it off. He went into their room and took a bath before changing into comfortable clothing. He was out like a light. He fell asleep as soon as he got in the bed.
The next morning, Jungkook again woke up feeling exhausted, but more than yesterday. Today he felt like he wouldn't even be able to lift a finger. He decided to sleep in, not caring about anything. When he finally woke up, the maids and servants were taking care of him. Apparently, he was down with a fever. He drank the soup he was given and also medicines. When it was enough for his system to be back in work. He realised he forgot about welcoming the guests from the empire of Japan. He frantically got up but was stopped by the maids. They informed him that the guests were very understanding and they appreciated the efforts Jungkook put in the preparations. They excused him and hoped to meet him once before they had to leave after finishing their work. Jungkook sighed an air of relief and used his time to recover faster and took complete rest. Deep down he was hoping for his mother-in-law to come asking about his wellbeing and giving him that warmth of family again. For Jungkook, the queen seemed to be the only Rey of sunshine in this cold castle of Kims. But sadly she didn't visit him, not even once. He felt worried for her, but then again who can give hard time to the queen.

After two days Jungkook fully recovered and asked for an audience of their guests. He invited them for afternoon tea as an apology for not being able to welcome them due to his health issues. He learnt how to make different types of tea from his caretaker nanny who used to make his meals in his younger days. He impressed the guests with his precision and neat moves. The guests were higher officials and soldiers who came here for some administrative works but they're also the news spreaders, that is why the king wanted Jungkook to make a good impression on them. He surely made a very good impression since they asked for the recipe and praised his communication skills and ability to combine both beauty and intelligence in his work. Jungkook was happy being able to fulfill his duty correctly. The guests looked at him lovingly, because, in this den of monsters they know, besides the queen, this prince was the only person who gave them such care and comfort as a host. Don't even mention how the crown princes and the king treat them like nobodies.

Unknown to his capability of attracting trouble, Jungkook was unaware of the possessive gaze he was getting from someone who was hiding in the shadows.
A/n:- noticed something?  The cause will be revealed in the next chapter.

Thank you.

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