New Normal

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Jungkook woke up with a start that morning. He just couldn't get used to being greeted by the Prince's face every morning. More than two months went by from the day Jungkook tasted the blood of the prince. From that day on, he felt this tingling sensation of excitement whenever the prince is near him or when they have any slightest body contact. He tried to control his feelings as much as possible but he couldn't. The 24/7 presence of the prince wasn't helping either. A hint of teasing can be seen in the playful eyes and proud smirk of the prince that he was enjoying the sufferings of Jungkook. He knew it was the effect of having human blood when he wasn't a vampire, he might be turning a half vampire very soon and this was as far as his understanding could take him.

He decided that he will never meet his family and loved ones now that he is not himself, not even a human. He might be danger for them. Now he felt empty, just a doll with human flesh, without any purpose- maybe one to be someone's food. He felt lifeless. Only his art seemed to be his escape from the cruel reality of his dull and dark life, but now even that feels like a burden. Not being able to express what he feels because he hates and doesn't accept what he feels to be able to express it through his paintings.

It was hard and energy draining for him to control his behaviour and emotions, feelings-urge to have bodily contact with the prince in between royal conferences that the prince tectically forced him to attend as the spouse of the crown prince. At public places, the prince boldly keeps his hands around the waist of Jungkook, keeping him close, being possessive as if someone would snatch his precious husband away. This behaviour of the prince, kind of puts Jungkook at ease, having contact that his body craves but the mind and heart hates. This closeness that was shown in front of the public was received as a good news. They were power couple of their kingdom. Those who look at the prince as their cold but lovely prince, they were happy because there was someone who brought out the caring side of the prince. Those who knew how the prince was up close, they were relieved to know that there was someone to tame the beast.

There was hardly one or two hours of the day that Jungkook finds some time for himself. At night time also, the prince cuddles Jungkook to sleep, refusing to let Jungkook go away from his hold. They only have each other's blood on full moon nights. On other normal, new normal nights, they engage themselves in 'other' activities. Of course, This new normal routine was refreshing and super entertaining for the prince, but it was very soul exhausting for Jungkook. If someone from his kingdom saw Jungkook today, they'd say he lost his colour because he lost his smile and his eyes looked lifeless because he lost his will to live.

There was so much a human body can take and here Jungkook was in-between. He was neither a vampire nor a human. One day after having dinner, when he was returning to his chamber with the prince, he collapsed. His body took what it was screaming for, a good rest. The prince held Jungkook in his arms before he fell down on the floor. It came as a surprise for the prince, he thought Jungkook was just being stubborn, restraining himself from giving any reaction to the advances that he made in their relationship, to show that he is indifferent to all the teasing and touching done by the prince.

The royal doctor came and checked Jungkook. Other than the members of the royal family, this old doctor was the only one who knew about the existence of vampires. He informed the prince that Jungkook's body is undergoing a change and all the busy schedules made his body all exhausted to the point of fainting. What he needs is a break and lots of rest. That's what Seokjin was unfamiliar with. Ever since he was a kid, his father taught him to keep moving for the safety and prosperity of their kingdom. Being a vampire and having enough blood supply to keep going, the prince never had something called 'rest'. He thinks sleeping wastes a lot of his time. He only sleeps for two to three hours at a time and stays awake for the rest, tending to important affairs of their kingdom as a prince. Letting Jungkook rest alone was not a problem but the way that the doctor showed him to help Jungkook rest is a bit difficult for him to execute. The doctor advised him to accompany Jungkook on a tour around the seaside of the kingdom. Jungkook's body was transforming and him being around a lot of people trying to suppress his transformation, his body is under confusion and urgency to adopt the vampire blood that runs in his veins as a response of survival. Taking him on a tour alone will allow the prince to help his husband to get better.

The prince was in a dilemma of how to ask for a break from his duties from the king, his father, who was known for being strict when it comes to duty and devotion to the kingdom. To his surprise, he instantly got permission to go on a break of three months with minimal requirements of official matters to attend.

After all the time that Jungkook spent here in the Kim Castle, he won everyone's heart by his caring and sweet personality and also deep understanding of political strategies. Even the king was impressed by how Jungkook treats the matters and events of the Kim family as his own and gives his best to whatever he does. Behind the scenes, it was the queen who predicted these situations and requested the king to give the couple some time and space to bond. All Jungkook needed was a good sleep and a few days of bedrest. It was the queen who made the doctor advise the tour for a change. Being a mother, She knew her children like the back of her hand. She loves her husband, the king and her two sons, Prince Namjoon and Prince Seokjin. The responsibilities and duties of the kingdom made the three of them void of any emotion and feelings. She loves them nonetheless. They love her too, but with only her, they are soft and sweet, with others, they show no attachment, not even to the people who take care of their necessities in their Castle. They care for the safety and prosperity of their kingdom and their people but doesn't show any sympathy for any of them. They believe only discipline and strict actions will ensure the place that their kingdom holds on the world's platform. The queen knew the fondness that the prince had for Jungkook, she saw it and felt it in the eyes of her child. She was happy that the prince finally found someone to share his emotions with, but she was shocked to know that Jungkook was kept in the dark about the Kim family being vampire despite the fact that the marriage was not entirely forced on Jeons, it was a tactical plan that the Prince Seokjin himself suggested and the king approved, seeing the benefits the Redwood Kingdom will be getting from this deal. It wasn't like there was no other way to trap Jeons in their hold, they might have done it by force of war, but Jeon Dynasty being as strong as the Redwood Kingdom, they didn't want to ruin the good image that they created on the platform of the world. By this marriage, they are simply doing give and take business for the benefits of both parties. The queen was very offended but she believed that there must be a reason for the actions taken by her son. Afterall, the princes of Redwood Kingdom were not irresponsible. She just decided to play by the sidelines and help her son and his husband get together and fall in love and give them grandchildren. She liked how caring and sweet Jungkook was and she hoped her dense son realise that before it's too late.

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