XXIII- Karma

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I watched as Luca spoke to my father. He was definitely not enjoying it and making it as obvious as possible. He didn't like my father but could I blame him? He guessed everything that happened even before he saw my trashed room.

I tore my eyes away from them and stared off to a distance. The slight movement caught my attention as I stared at Luca's parents. His father had moved his hand from under the desk and just held onto Luca's mother's hand. I was happy for Luca for having parents that genuinely love each other.

I saw how he glanced at her sideways because he sensed her being tense. I don't want to fall in love because I don't think I'm going to be capable of keeping the significant other but this right here gave me hope. Maybe that's why Luca's so drawn to me, it's because his father is the same way with his mother. It warmed my heart to watch the sight.

Maybe Luca will actually want to stay with me.

Whatever happens, I shouldn't give myself too much hope.

At the end of the night, Luca's father only talked business and ignored every other question like he couldn't hear the other person speaking. Arabella kindly responded although she also looked bothered to talk but I can't blame them.

Arabella spoke to my mother uninterested and invited me to their house tomorrow, after school. I don't know if I want to go because I'm terrified of everyone in the family besides Luca and that's because I know him.

I felt the tightness leave my chest when they all left and pushed my hair back. Oh my god. "Daddy, could you maybe pull some strings and make me go there tomorrow as well?" Kylie said as she held her hands in front of her and stared up at my father with puppy dog eyes.

Why would she even ask such a stupid question? Both Lucian and Darius also ignored her and I actually caught Lucian snap at her that one time.

I would run up to my room and cry for a week straight if Lucian even gave me a death stare.

"Not like they want you to be there," I mumbled and smiled at Kylie when she turned her gaze over to me. I learned how to manipulate from my parents and I could get really bad if she ever tried me. But she doesn't know that yet.

"Kylie I already invited them to our other house for a short vacation because you asked. I can't get you invited inside their house." My dad got up from the couch and sighed as he walked past me.

I went to my room and went to bed immediately after taking off my makeup and clothes.

The next morning I accidentally woke up late from being so tired.

I don't know how I picked my clothes since I put on the first decent outfit I could get together. I grabbed the leather jacket and my bag before running downstairs.

There was a question on my mind which I meant to ask Luca but I always forgot about it because my mind was too dazed by him. It's that why does Luca hides from people at school? It doesn't make sense since I got to know him but he must have a valid point. That valid point was scaring me because I knew I definitely wouldn't like it.

Why would anyone hide from people unless their life wasn't in danger?

I grabbed a chocolate bar and just ran downstairs before I could give myself time to overthink the question. It was already the third period by the time I reached the school.

I knocked on the door and the teacher sighed before motioning me to sit. I looked at the empty seats and spotted one next to Kai. I hurriedly sat down and took a deep breath before returning his small smile.

I didn't realize that Layla was seated right in front of me, she can hear anything we talk about but that's the least of my worries at the moment. I was supposed to go to Luca's place today and I don't know where he lives or who he lives with and that's giving me anxiety.

"Who does Luca live with?" Maybe he lives with his parents or with his brothers. I whispered to Kai as quietly as possible but he didn't respond to me with the same octave.

"He lives alone actually why? I think his parents are around though, they might be staying together right now." He said with a small smirk tugging on his lips and I rolled my eyes before turning back to the teacher.

They knew how affected I was with Luca but what they didn't know is my severe anxiety. I don't want to show up empty-handed and I'm stressing about going to Luca's place.

"His brothers are scary," I mumbled as I leaned towards Kai again and he let out a small laugh after nodding. "Did he tell you about yesterday?" I asked with narrowed eyes because he acted like he knew what happened. Kai nodded before closing his phone and turned to me slightly.

"He told us beforehand as he was planning but I didn't know it was yesterday. We're going out after school, probably tomorrow. You in?" I raised one of my eyebrows as my eyes widened slightly at the question. I nodded aggressively and very quickly which made him laugh and then I heard the teacher call out our names so we'd shut up.


It was after school and I didn't really see Luca around school today. I sat with Evan and the Castillo's at lunch and they said he's just busy with his family business which made me make up various assumptions.

I got out the new phone my father gave me and dialed Luca's number. I had gotten it yesterday and he was the only contact besides my parents. When I walked out of my last class and placed my books down I came face to face with Layla and Ashley. I raised one eyebrow and turned towards them after closing my locker.

"Tell me, Cassia. Do you ever get tired of being a trashy bitch?" I narrowed my eyes and took a step back from them. They looked like they wanted violence and I'm not going to give it to them because I can't. I like to argue and reason not fight and violate.

"Chelsey was into Luca and now you're stealing him? But you've done that before right? Nothing new for you. You knew I liked Xavier when you dated him." Ashley spat out viciously and I stumbled. Nothing she said made sense.

"First of all, Chelsey only spoke to Luca to get closer to Evan and the Castillo's. Second of all, I met you after Xavier introduced us when we started dating. I didn't even know you which proves that your argument is completely pointless." I responded and rolled my eyes before trying to walk past them because I felt cornered.

"It's okay though, Cassia. Karma is already around you. Chelsey is with Luca right now if you were wondering. Hope you're not too butt hurt." Layla said after stopping me and I narrowed my eyes.

I felt angry all of a sudden like a bucket of boiling water dropped on me.

The next second I almost ran past Layla because I wanted to see if Luca was actually even slightly into any of my old friends. If he was, I'm ending whatever we are and whatever he wants to do with me now.

I thought he called my friends shitty?!

They were standing in front of the entrance as I walked outside and Luca didn't seem to be aware of me but Chelsey was. I almost ran up to them when I saw her hand land on Luca's bicep. She slightly squeezed and blinked up at him adoringly. Then smiled at him before leaving and I was completely out of breath by the second she left.

"What was that?" I asked Luca when he came in front of me and he sighed. He didn't look like he was enjoying himself but I didn't know how to feel, I just did not like other girls around him.

He's not mine and I'm not his but that doesn't mean I like it when other girls are flirting with him.


I can't feel my fingers because of my guitar lesson 😘✌🏻

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