Chapter 32: A Revision of Sorts

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"A new chapter?!?!?! But Kiwi, the story is finished!"

Right you are, Jimbo boy. The story IS finished! But that won't stop me from continuing the toad dissections!!!!! >:D

Oh yeah, Kiwi's favorite song is posted above. Be sure to give it a nice listening too! :)

anyway...onto what I meant to really say here...

I don't know what's wrong but just can't write my other stories.

Ever since this book ended, I haven't been doing my best. In fact, I haven't been doing my best for a while now, and I'm sorry. I have many projects planned and many I've tried/started to do. I do intend to finish each and every current story though, have no fear. It's been a while since anything has been updated, and I get it if you are all impatient.

I come here, uploading this new chapter to give an announcement, one you hopefully understand:

I'm burnt out. I've had a metric fuck ton to deal with these past few months and I'm in the middle of moving/getting my life sorted out. On top of this, I've been forcing myself to at least try and write.

If my slow as hell upload times are anything to go by....It didn't work. I made a mistake starting so many stories at once, and to quote Bilbo Baggins; "I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread."

I'm overwhelmed and I made it much worse. Hopefully, my oh-so-bright idea doesn't fail a second time...

I will be taking a two or four week-long break from all writing, drafting, uploading. etc. I will not continue any uploads until that break is over. I will, however, go and read all of your lovely comments and respond to a few of them when I can.

After this break is over and after I've regained my drive, I will be limiting myself to ONLY working on one or two stories at a single time. 

My first project to do is....this story. This one right here. Pestilence Over Remnant, my first written and finished Fanfic.

"But...It's done...are you saying you are making a sequel?!?!?! YAYYY/BOOOO!!!!!"

No. I'm no longer making a sequel. Every story, idea, draft, etc. Is now on hiatus.

What I mean is... I'm redoing the entire story. I'll be editing, changing chapters, making a legitimate plot, the whole nine yards. I will rewrite this story and its entirety. I will keep the original energy of it though, the humor will stay, the memes will remain, etc.

The plot will change, the settings will change, the relationships will change, but it will be the same story....mostly.

It will also no longer be a male reader story, our MC will have a canonical name. 

Again, I will only be focusing on one or two stories at a time, and this book's redo is my top priority after my 2-4 week-long break. 

I won't spoil too much about what I am changing or what spurred this decision, but I will say this...

The MC has a legit name now because of another story idea I had, which I am still planning out.

Anyways my dudes....I'll see ya in a while.

And as always...

[Arrivederci, My Fellow Plague Doctors...]

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