Chapter 23: Detoxifying Just To Re-Intoxicate

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I ain't own RWBY. That belongs to RoosterTeeth. Should I start adding more jokes here? These disclaimers are alittle redundant at this point. Any Art/Vids/Music shown are property of their respective artists/companies

Location: Beacon Academy (Dorm)
Time: 5:25AM

Monday morning. A school day. In just half an hour, a certain doctor would be waking up to start his morning rituals before kicking the day off with a series of classes useful for the realm he now called his "home".

Wake up, drink his morning coffee (A new brew Ozpin himself recommended to Y//N), dissect something, clean up the...remains, eat a light snack, shower, clean up again, head to class. A simple start to the day. Definitely a rather calming and relaxing way of spending his hours, compared to his previous "life" that is.

Despite the occasional self doubt, Y/N couldn't bring himself to admit that he actually enjoyed the peace and quite. Sure , he might end up massacring dozens of White Fang members with Qrow and Winter, Butchering waves of Atlas soldiers and mechs, stealing comical amounts of dust, raiding the coffers of banks, and even occasionally enslaving hoardes of Grimm, but it was a more then welcomed change of pace.

To others, it would be the most hectic agenda in Y/N, it was a nice day on the beach. A perfect vacation. A fraction of the work, at twice the fun. As of yet, Y/N was dreaming of walking in a victorian styled city, swarming with a of his plagues. As he strolled in glee through the now desecrated town, his eyes met those of a child's, riddled in boils and blistering skin. The child opened their mouth as Y/N prepared to hear his cry of "please help me" and then...he was woken up abruptly.

???: Wake the fuck up Samurai, We got a city to burn

Y/N: "JESUSGAGGINGONABAGOFDICKS-!" The doctor screamed as he plummeted out of the comfort of his the floor.


Y/N: *groaning in pain* "Ow..."

???: Are you okay Y/N? The voice asked with a heap of...concern?

Not remembering who now occupied his own conciousness, Y/N summoned one of his trusty anti-tank revolvers, brandishing the weapon at...himself?

Y/N: "Who's there? I've got a gun, and I'm not afraid to kill myself!" He asked sparatically.

???: Y/N, It's just me. Calm do-


Blood, brain matter, and blood splattered onto the floor and walls of the boy's room. Y/N's body then went limp, his gun's barrel smoking. A comically large hole adorned the roof of his mouth as well as the top of his skull. Pools of blood only continued pouring out at a alarming rate, drippings of his now newly destroyed brain slowly fell out of it's now almost hollow "home."

The Plague Doctor of Remnant was dea-

Y/N: "I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me....unfortunately..." The doctor so rudely interrupted.

Sighing to himself, Y/N sat up as his blood slowly returned to his now reforming skull....and brain. Y/N then desummoned his revolver, allowing his tentacle portals to slurp the bad boi right up into his own realm of "apocrypha".

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