Chapter 3: Vi Veri Veniversum...

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RWBY Is property of RoosterTeeth (RIP Monty) I do NOT claim ownership over any art, images, music. They are the property of their respective artists. I only claim ownership over any OC's introduced, nothing more


***Location: The Void***



Y/N could feel nothing. He could see nothing. He couldn't even register if he was breathing. Perhaps this is the true afterlife.

After his first death on earth, he awoke in a realm of Purgatory. The Demonic Lord's "in charge" of that particular realm of Remnant personally explained the basic "Do's and don'ts" upon the future Plague Doctor's arrival.

For the entirity of his purgatorial "life", Y/N always wondered what happened to the sorry sods who ended up dying...again

At first, he hypothesized that they may be transported to yet another realm of purgatory. He later hypothesized that perhaps they simply would be fated to wander a hypothetical void for eternity.

It seems out of his two most preferred hypothesizes, the latter was more accurate....or was it?

Y/N slowly began to open his eyes. He expected a endless abyss of darkness. As he fully sprung his eyelids open, he was correct. All that greeted him...was endless void.

Y/N: I see...heh, how fitting Y/N thought to himself

Though he did not show it, he was in despair. He allowed his crazed ideals to corrupt his mind. Speaking of which...would he ever find out what he did wrong? Perhaps, only time will tell?

As Y/N observed his surroundings, he took notice that despite not seeing a shade lighter nor darker than pure black, the abyss seemed to have a floor of some kind.

Chuckling to himself, he rose to his feet....or so he thought? He could not feel the weight of his body. Nor could he feel his legs, much less his entire body.

As he attempted to get on his feet, he could only guess on how he exactly met his demise.

Once he was on his feet, he was greeted with a flash of crimson red and a flurry of violet. The colors illuminated his surroundings, somewhat...

He took notice as more colors began to flash around him. From a counterclockwise motion, he was greeted by a flash of deep yellow, deep blue, deep orange, every color he could imagine.

He was taken back by this, the colors began to almost dance. Then, the colors began to move in the counterclockwise direction. These colors almost ensnared Y/N in a trance. They seemed...malevolent... majestic... fearsome... beautiful... enticing... every emotion that would captivate a person, these colors almost proudly exhumed. They seemed to be sentient with the way they continued to intrigue Y/N.

Oddly enough, this seemed rather reminiscent of when he first died. The only difference being, he was in a comically large ballroom

Without warning, the colors simply halted. Then, they died out. Y/N was awestruck.

Y/N: Maybe this isn't so bad afterall...Y/N thought as he chuckled to himself

Pestilence Over Remnant [Reader X Neo]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora