Chapter 29: "Dark Hearts...[Part 1]

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RWBY is property of RoosterTeeth and Monty Oum. All art/vids/music shown are property of their respective artists/companies...Here we are bois, the beginning of the end. Enjoy, With Love, Lord KiriKiwiS

[Location: Amity Coliseum]

The finals of the Vytal Tournament were already on their way to completion. Y/N sat in amongst the audience seeing as there was nothing of better use for him to do. However, he chose to seat himself away from the onlooking team JNPR, SSSN, and RWB_, choosing instead to sit in a rather empty and isolated area of the "stands".

Sadly for our not-so-young Plague Doctor, he was eliminated from the festival. As it turns out, Team CEN's missing team member had returned and as such, so did the Doctor's qualifications for being able to continue to participate. Team RWBY and JNPR were obviously devastated at his unjust termination. Team SSSN on the other hand, were more then relieved. And finally...the now dispersed team PCEN simply parted their ways once the "Mercury Black" charater resumed his place as the original member of team CREM (Cream).

Currently, Yang Xiao Long and Mercury Black were preparing for battle. It was a match nearly everyone in attendance were looking foward too. A member of one of the most promising teams Beacon Academy had to offer against the mysterious teammate of team CREM, formerly PCEN. Truly a battle many had anticipated...

Y/N however, paid little attention... His focus was merely shifted in another direction. A subject of the upmost importance...from his constant anxiety of what Cinder was planning, to the repercussions of his attempts to sabotage, to the ever constant nagging voice of Salem, Y/N had hardly any time to think freely. Still though, he kept himself distracted as the fight between Yang and Mercury began.

Y/N: So...Let's say hypothetically that a mother and father have a child together, right?

Salem: Okay...I'm following along so far.

Y/N: Now, let's say the mother and father are ALSO brother and sister...

Salem: ..............

Y/N: Okay, so...since their siblings...and married...and have a child together...

Salem: Oh Oum...please...

Y/N: Would that make the father the kid's uncle, and the mother the kid's aunt?

Salem: What?! No, Of course not! That would make the kid's father his dad! Which would mean...wait...hold on...

Y/N: See what I mean?! This is why inbreeding is SO confusing!

Salem: If the father is the mothers brother...and the mother is the father's sister...My Oum...I-I need a minute to think about this...

Suddenly however, the crowd erupted in a shock of fear and sympathy. This caused the Doctor to break his train of thought in confusion. From what he gathered from offhanded comments from the crowd, Yang had supposedly attacked her opponent unprovoked after the match had been called.

Y/N: Hey Salem...hold that thought...somethings going down.

Unbeknownst to the doctor, Salem was smiling. Her plan was coming to fruition. All that was left was to knock away Ironwood's not so wooden doll...and of course, provide the vague and thrusting speech from her own pawn, Cinder Fall.

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