Chapter 19: Two Sides, Same Septim

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Ooga Booga RWBY belongs to RoosterTeeth and all things shown here are property of their respective artists/companies. Booga Ooga

Location: Beacon Academy (Ozpin's Office)
Time: 11:30AM


Ozpin: *rubbing his temples* "So...let me get this striaght... " The headmaster said while rethinking his entire existence

Ozpin: *Reading Y/N's report*  "You...and Neo...and Roman...and the Malacite twins...raided a Atlas military.... "skyscraper thingy"...."

Y/N: "Yup." He nonchalantly responded

Ozpin: "...Then you took the officers hostage?"

Y/N: "Yup."

Ozpin: "You stole thirteen Atlas Paladins?"

Y/N: "Fourteen, and we didn't steal, We liberated them."

Ozpin: *slightly frustrated* "Then you personally sexually harassed some of the male officers?"

Y/N: "I'm not apologizing...and I said no homo."

Ozpin: "You then threatened to inject the president of a security company to, and I quote; "Fill your insides with my gooey and warm love juices"?"

Y/N: "And I would have done it to the rest if we had time to, Neo gave me the glare..."

Ozpin: *visible confusion* "The...glare?"

Y/N: *shiver in terror* "Yeah...that glare...and dont even get me started on the second part."

Ozpin: "The...second part?"

Y/N: "Her thirst put Yang to shame..."

He shivered in half terror and half arousal as memories of Neo holding up a sign that said: "Glaze me instead ;)" flashed through his head.

Y/N: *scratching jaw as he regains his composure* "And yet...I was kinda into it."

Ozpin: "I see...regardless, you also..." *reading Y/N's mission report* "Threw the fat one off the roof?"

Y/N: *in between fits of laughter* "Oh dear should have been there..."Tactical Nuke inbound!" " He said while remembering him and Roman lobbing a sumo wrestler sized man off a thirty story building

Ozpin: "Y/N?" He stoically questioned

Y/N: "Ozpin." He replied while fighting back a smile

Ozpin: "Did you, Or did you not let a Atlas Military Officer fall to their death?"

Y/N: "Perhaps?" He nervously chuckled

Ozpin: *disapointed but not surprised* "Oh Oum...the amount of paper work I have to do now..."

Y/N: "Ah, dont worry...just make Glynda do it."

Ozpin: *sigh of relief* "Oh thank goodness I have her to do all the hard work for me."

Y/N: *finger guns* "That's what secretaries are for afterall."

Ozpin: *clearing throat* "With that out of the way...did you at least conceal your identity?"

Y/N: "Pft, Nah bro."

Ozpin: *burying face in hands* "Ironwood is going to kill m-"

Y/N: "Oh dont wooooooorry, I wore a mask."

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