Chapter 22: Gracefully Falling Forward

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RWBY is property of RoosterTeeth and Monty Oum. Please SuPPort the official release...I hope you all realised this was a sex was the previous chapter's. Anywho, All Art/vids/music shown are property of their respective artists/companies.

Location: Vale
Time: 12:30pm

Ah, the Vytal Festival. A gathering of every major Hunter and Huntress Academy. Filled with all of Remnant's culture, truly an event to behold. A festival of joy. A festival of bliss. A festival of wonder. Truly, a wonderous compilation of enjoyable activities, sure to bring a smile to the hearts of any who attend... Unless your name is Y/N.

Y/N sat on a bench in the "lovely" city of Vale. As of right now, he waited his companions for the day. Briefly glancing at the warehouse they had disappeared into nearly an hour ago, he scoffed in disappointment. Apparently he was "to much of a wild card" to attend their "meeting".

As the days crept towards the event, Y/N's attitude in response worsened. He had always despised events. Had he not made it apparent enough already? To him, it was merely a rip off of a carnival, and not even the good kinds either. As a Victorian inspired man, he would only settle for nothing less then a classic circus. In fact, a decent carnival would also be acceptable.

Fit with nigh insane clowns, abominations, freakshows, mad doctors flashing their latest works, horror tents, etc....THAT is a celebration that he would be honored to attend. Not some childish gathering of fun, safe, and closely monitored activities.

To make matters worse, he had to participate in the festival. Of course, he had no team members seeing as he was the first one man team...In ALL of Remnant nonetheless. To "cure" this problem, Ozpin-sensei and even Ironcock himself had arrangements set up. As it stood now, Y/N was to "fill in" for team CEN's missing member as to ensure both he, and Team CEN could participate.

In truth, Ozpin needed Y/N to "keep an eye" on the group. Since day one, it had been his "secret" mission to as Ozpin put it: "Get in close, go along and play their rules, then report your findings." Had it been anyone else asking Y/N of this, he would have became a turn coat long ago.

However, Y/N felt a connection with Ozpin. The two had shared nearly every detail of their "lives" that they could. Over the months, Ozpin placed more and more trust in the boy as did Y/N. In exchange for tales of his journey through Purgatory, Ozpin let his guard drop and had bombshelled Y/N with his own tales.

Tales of his "origin" and his former lover, Salem. Tales of his reincarnations, reasoning for establishing the Hunter Academies, etc. And even...the relics. Following this in addition to Y/N's "reports", Ozpin and Y/N had a theory that Cinder Fall was the inheritor of the fall maidens "power". If that was to be true, then perhaps following Cinder would lead back to the person or person's responsible for whatever she was planning. With this theory came another...perhaps She was the one pulling the strings.

Cinder and her accomplices were planning something...something big. Throughout all of Y/N's "jobs" and "side quests" with Team CEN, Roman, and even the malachite twins occasionally, Y/N had been able to piece together more evidence for Ozpin's theory.

Still though, for a former undead bounty hunter such as Y/N, this task was quite strange. It felt...good. Really good. A classic charade of espionage. A double agent of sorts. He was like a snake...a slippery snake... a slippery slithery snake...a slippery slithery snake that WASN'T fighting a Gundan Mech...yet.

Y/N: "A man of medicine, adorning the face of a bird; while doing the deeds of a snake... how poetic." The famed Doctor said to no one particularly.

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