Chapter 16: Omea Wa Mou...DISECT-O

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I don't own shit here. RWBY is property of RoosterTeeth and all the art/videos/music shown here belongs to their respective artists. I only own the OC's


Location: Beacon Academy
Time: 11:35AM

Today was Wednesday...(my dudes.. ok I'll stop)

At the moment, Y/N as well as teams _NPR, SSSN, RWBY were all seated together. "The whole squad" you could possibly say...

For now, the group sat in the stadium of the arena for Combat Class. Currently, Jaune was in a graded sparring match with a unnamed charater who dressed like a...pirate? A dapper pirate though, his battle attire looked like a privateers. as the entire class watched....we'll call that unamed student...Kenway Silver. (Yes, it's AC4 reference....sorry)

Kenway swung his Scimitar towards Jaunes exposed leg, as he did so, Jaune flicked his wrist to activate his shield. In the nick of time, Jaune mustered all his strength into flinging the oncoming slash away from himself.

Kenway then found his arm was outstretched towards his far right, Shit, this is bad... he thought. He was wide open.

Jaune then rushed foward and as he closed the distance, he readied his shield once more. Once within whispering distance to the opponent, Jaune used his protective armament to bash the boys sword arm, causing the limb to flinch in pain as it moved even further from its desired position.

Jaune then quickly took advantage of the opening he had forced, quickly slashing from his right, and hitting Kenway in the midsection. The force of the slash caused the privateer to stumble to his right as he rushed to regain his stance.

Not showing any hesitation, Jaune rushed foward once more. However, he was still to slow. Kenway had regained his composure and already initiated his counter attack.

Kenway, annoyed at the "cheap shot" the dirty blonde brat had taken, sidestepped. This caused Jaune to miss his target. Meanwhile, The Scimitar wielder raised his weapon above his head as he mustered all his strength into his downthrust.

Though Silver couldn't see it, Jaune smiled proudly to himself. I figured you'd do that he thought to himself

Jaune then rolled TOWARDS the boy. Kenway's eyes widened in shock.

Kenway: "WHAT THE HEL-" He tried to say

Jaune had rolled and swept the boys shins with his own legs. This caused Silver's left leg to buckle, forcing him to his knee.

Not skipping a beat, Jaune used his shield to bash the boys nose, nearly breaking it and causing his head to reel back in pain. With this strike, Kenway made a fatal mistake, he lost the grip on his Scimitar. In response, Jaune kicked the weapon away with his right foot while he used his left leg to pin Silver's arm to the ground.

Jaune then placed his own sword to the boys throat.

Jaune: "Sorry, but this is checkmate." He calmly said with a hint of pride

Kenway: "Dammit..." *sigh* "That shield bash was kinda cheap you know..."

Jaune then let out a light hearted laugh as he helped the boy to his feet.

Jaune: "Sorta...Sometimes you just have to get creative with what you have. Even if you gotta use your defensive skills for the offense" Y/N, Pyrrha, and Ren, thank you so much...I won my third match and I couldn't have done it without you guys...

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