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Just as the title suggests, I've made a new book. The Title is "A Nobody; A Extra"

Basically I got to re-reading old story ideas and found one I really got motivated to writing. The overall summary and idea is fairly simple.

Basically, almost EVERY single story on Wattpad (Mine included) Revolves around a charater shaking and affecting the world around them. I got to to thinking "What if we read a story where the MC doesn't really change...much at all? What if he isn't that important and has no huge impact on the outcomes and where to story does revolve around him...but the world doesn't?"

Simply put...a story about just your average guy in a not so average world. A person who has a nifty ability, but has no desire to change the world? A person who meets the charaters...but is helpless to changing what they may or may not do? A charater who is...just an extra?

I hope that makes sense. If not, I'm sorry. I hope you all enjoy it as I'm REALLY looking foward to seeing how it turns out.

With that out of the way, I will STILL be contiung this story as well as the Crusader one. I've found out a relatively great albeit new system (for me) as to make sure I can still upload for three separate stories regularly. For a little while, I will be focusing most of my attention into the new book. The crusader story will have a chapter released on friday (The 18th) and THIS book is currently under the works for the next chapter. It should be out either the late 20th or the 21st.


Without a further ado...

Arrivederci, My Fellow Plague Doctors

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