Chapter 12: Discount Orochimaru

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Again, I don't own shit here. Everything belongs to their respective artists. RWBY is property of RoosterTeeth . Everything else is property of their respective artists. I only claim ownership over the OC's


Location: Emerald Forest
Time: 10:30PM

Today was Saturday. Since there were no classes, Y/N took it upon himself to "stumble upon" a Grimm nest. He had plans and naturally, they required "test runs".

He was seated on a branch within the Emerald Forest. Y/N had spent the past two hours patiently observing and stalking his targets...

A pack of Beowolves and a Ursa. If what he had been told by Ozpin was true, these creatures would turn to dust upon their deaths.

He had tested and confirmed this before be began his operation. Earlier, he had isolated and impaled a Boarbatusk with his semblances' many tendrils and just like Oz had told him, it disintegrated.

Y/N formed a new hypothesis. If his experience in Purgatory was anything to go off of, it was that these creatures functioned almost akin to familiars. In fact, they matched up perfectly with it thus far. They seemed to exude sentience of some kind, but in a very limited capacity. The fact they did not have a soul only further proved his theory. The icing on the figurative cake was the fact he discovered that the Grimm grew in power as they aged.

Everything lined up perfectly in his favor. The only further action he could take to solidify his claim was to of course run....experiments. With that being said, he planned to finally satiate his uncontrollable desire to dissect something. Man, Faunas, Grimm, toads, ANYTHING he could get his hands on. With this being a new world, he was over the moon with anticipation.

He only hoped none of his new found friends would not have the bold idea to walk in while he was playing "patty cake" with someone's insides. More than that though, he silently prayed that Neo especially would not decide to barge into his dorm.

Speaking of which, he had left rather early that morning. When he woke up, he was careful to not wake her. Using the old fashioned pillow swapping trick, he made his escape after writing a letter briefly explaining that he "had business to take care of, don't wait up ;)".

After he had taken one last glance at her, he noticed how peaceful she looked in her sleep. It was rather soothing to him. She looked so vulnerable and yet, he knew that was far from the truth. He had seen her in combat before and doubted she was anything close to helpless, even if her current sleeping state made her seem that way.

He briefly entertained the thought of Neo awaiting his return to his dorm, but shook his head. He had been gone for nearly three hours already. He doubted even she would hold out that long for him.

He then returned to the task at hand. As the Grimm began their slothful patrolling, Y/N activated his wrist guards, they then morphed into his dual revolvers. Then, he began his next rouns of preparations, summoning himself a flock of ravens. Once done, he commanded his ravens to surround the weaker Grimm, effectively immobilizing them as the birds brutally pecked and greedily snatched the flesh of their body.

With half the Beowulf pack taken care of,Y/N then took aim at the remaining three wolves. He fired at the closest one first, nailing it in between it's eyes. He marvelled at the truly sight. His weapon had much more firepower than he expected, not that he was complaining of course. He then fired at the furthest Beowulf. Being that he wasn't a crack shot, he only shot the beast through it's shoulder. The Grimm howled in pain before the Ursai and other Beowulf finally spotted him.

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