Chapter 1: The Newbie

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I am standing in front of my boss when he walks in. All five of us had been called to the Falls Lodge to welcome the newest member of our team. I didn't like him already.

Ace Beckett stood at the entrance to the Lodge, his lips painted in a straight line. When the bossman welcomes him in, he struts over to us with a suffocating amount of confidence. Like I said, I already didn't like the man. I say as much to my best friend, Evelyn.

"I don't like him." I bend down slightly to whisper in Evie's ear, trying not to make my glare blatantly obvious.

"Auto, you haven't even met him yet. Give him a chance." She giggles and she lifts her chin in a smile.

"We'll see."

"That's what you said about Charlotte last time" Archer leans in on our conversation from the other side.

I gasp in mock horror, "I would never say such a thing about Charlotte. She's the sweetest."

"Ah but if my ears heard correctly when she first walked in the door three summers ago, you said and I quote "I don't trust her"" Archer snickers in my ear.

I roll my eyes and huff out a breath. That never happened. I deny it. I decide to ignore my fellow counsellor and look back at the newbie.

I'm not saying that I judge everyone I meet based off of what I can see, it's just that I kinda have a sixth sense for these things. Like for example, when Charlotte, the former newbie, had started at Beaver Falls Summer Camp three years ago, I liked her the minute she walked in the door. Archer was totally wrong when he said that I said I didn't trust her. I promise you, it never happened. My sixth sense was completely accurate when it came to first meetings, I have yet to be proven wrong.

"Welcome to the Falls, Ace" Douglas steps towards the new kid and shakes his hand.

"Nice to be here, sir" Ace answers with a smile.

His voice is deeper than I had assumed, I really didn't think he had it in him. I stand back and study Ace, trying to get a better read on him.

He has dark brown hair that looks impeccably fluffy and the ends curl around his ears. I had the sudden urge to want to touch his head to see if it really was a soft as it looks. I shake off the thought almost instantly and go back to taking him in, assessing him for any reason not to trust him.

Ace is tall, and that is saying something because I usually tower over any guys I meet. Well, that used to be the case. Now that I'm older, the boys are finally starting to catch up. Sure took them long enough.

Anyways, back to staring - I mean studying - I mean assessing. Assessing, yes. That's exactly what I'm doing, definitely not checking him out because remember? I don't like him. Sixth sense, people.

He is wearing a black shirt and jeans, which will quickly be changed into camp attire to match the rest of us. The newbie has huge muscles and I find myself wondering how the hell he managed to gain those. Did he play hockey? Maybe lacrosse? Maybe he just likes to work out? Ew. Who actually enjoys lifting weights? Not me, that's for sure.

"I'd like to introduce you to the gang," bossman looks over at the five of us huddled together.

I watch carefully as Ace stretches out his hand to shake the bossman. The rest of the counsellors do the same without hesitation. I'm the last to step forward, still caught up in my head. I do that often.

"Ace Beckett, nice to-"

"Yeah, I heard your name the first five times you said it. I'm Autumn," I cut him off, not wanting to hear him introduce himself again. We get it, your name is quirky. I bet he just likes to hear himself talk.

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