Chapter 29 : Doctor Beckett

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The next day I find myself in Ace's arms once again. Everyone has taken turns giving me space but also offering their comforting presence. Sometimes one is better than the other. Right now though, Ace is exactly what I need.

Since the truth has come out I've felt better about, well, everything. Sleeping is easier. Talking is easier. Even smiling is easier.

I feel like I should be worse after Malik's attack on me but I don't even have the energy to think about it. The only time it crosses my mind is when I look in the mirror and see my black eye. Luckily for me the swelling has gone down overnight and I can see through both eyes now.

I got to say, it is sore but if I ever start to complain, Ace is right there with Advil and an ice pack. I roll my eyes when he all but shoves the ice onto my face, insisting he holds it for me. Sometimes I let him, sometimes - like right now - I'd rather have control over the temperature of my face.

I'm currently laying in Ace's bed in his cabin. Bossman has given me the day off and I sucked up to him enough for him to let Ace have a couple hours off. The rest of them are busy preparing the camp for the Old Timers that arrive tomorrow. That means I have a little less than 24 hours before I have to put my big-girl-pants on and be the Head Counsellor I have grown up to be. But for now... I can continue dwelling in everyone's pity.

It'a kind of nice.

Not that I would admit it to them. But I like basically being waited on hand and foot.

I guess that's what you get when you get attacked by your ex for the second time. I might have to let it happen more often... I'm kidding. If I never had to see Malik's sorry ass again, it'd be too soon.

"Whatcha thinking about, Tuffs?" Ace voice is gruff as he runs his fingers up and down my arm.

His touch gives me shivers and I smile. I'm thankful for the ice pack covering half my face otherwise Ace would get a full view of how he makes me blush.

"How cold this ice pack is." I complain, switching my hands.

"Awe poor baby, want me to hold it?" Ace chuckles.

"Be my guest."

Ace's large hand is placed over mine and I slip my hand out from underneath.

"Am I pressing too hard?" He asks.

"No, sir." I sigh, rubbing my hands together in an attempt to warm them up. "How much longer do I have to keep this on?"

"It's only been fifteen minutes. Minimum is twenty." Ace repeats what he has been telling me every three hours when he forces me to put ice on my eye.

I won't admit it to him but it is helping. I got a black eye playing baseball when I was twelve and I couldn't see out of my eye for three days. The fact that the swelling has gone down enough already is just proof that he is right.

"Ugh. It feels like it's been forever. Can't we just skip a couple minutes?" I groan.


"You're so stubborn, Doctor Beckett." I press my head into his chest.

"You complain a lot, my dear patient." Ace kisses my forehead.

His lips send a shiver through my body - one that I'm sure he feels. He grins at my reaction.

"You like that?"

I can barely answer through the tightening of my throat. So I settle for a quick little nod.

Ever since I admitted to everything that happened to me it's like something has changed between me and Ace. And it's a good thing. I finally feel like I don't have to hide around him anymore. I feel like he understands me - understands my fear, why I've been running.

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