Chapter 13: Crafting is My Passion

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"Don't forget your shoes" I call to my campers.

It was the Seedlings' last day at the camp. It was also the day of the craft sale. Busy times. And I was not in the mood for busy times.

I had got little to no sleep last night, my thoughts keeping me up. Not all were bad this time. Yes, Malik still plagued my dreams but this time Ace washed him out.

Our eating competitions, the paint fight... the swim in the lake.

When Malik's phantom hands came back to haunt me, I'd just reimagine them as Ace's. Warm, inviting, not the cold clammy skin that clings to Malik.

I think of Ace's arms around me, the way my face had been pressed against his chest. How he had held me like there was no one else he would rather be holding. I pictured those things to rid my mind of Malik.

It was in the past.

And things from the past should stay there.

But Ace is here. In the present. What does that mean? Why am I picturing him holding me when the nightmares are too much? When I stay awake in order to keep my wails quiet for the campers sleeping near inches from me.

I don't even like Ace.


Maybe I do.

A little.

Maybe more than a little.

Maybe a lot more than a little.

I don't know. If someone could tell me what I'm feeling, that would be wonderful. No one? Okay. Guess I'll have to figure it out on my own... somehow.

"Ready, Auto?" Evie pokes her head in the door.

"Yessir" I nod at my friend. "Ready campers?" I ask the kids.

Shouts of "yep!" and "yes!" fill the air. I lead them out the door to meet with the others. I'd have to do a last minute sweep of the cabin after I drop the kids off at the Dam.

The Beaver Cabin files out the door and we make our way towards the Dam. I drop them off and head back to do the sweep. And what do you know? I run into the man I've been thinking about a lot lately.

"Tuffs!" Ace says excitedly, his eyes brightening when they focus on me.

My chest flutters in response to him. What the hell? Stop that.

"Hey, newbie." I smile at him.

"I think I need a new nickname. I feel like I'm seasoned enough to shake off the newbie name." Ace states.

He must've dropped his campers off at the Dam already because there was no one around him.

"I think I like "newbie"" I say, "You're still fresh, man."

Ace had to have taken a shower because the guy smelt fresh too. Why am I standing so close that I can smell him?

Back away, Autumn, back away.

But my body doesn't move.

Talk about a betrayal.

"I urge you to reconsider, Tuffs. There are tons of names you could come up with"

"Like what? Ace? Oh wait that's already your name." I say blandly.

What was he after?

"Nah, I was thinking more towards "darling" or "my love"" he chuckles when I make a disgusted face.

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