Chapter 35 : I Did It

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I wake up the next morning in my cabin. I am a bundle of nerves as I get dressed. I know what is (and who is) coming and I've been preparing for it all week.

I know Ace doesn't exactly like the idea and neither does anyone else but this is my choice. And I've decided to face my problems head on and prove to myself that I can move forward.

I take my campers to the Dam for breakfast. No on really talks that much, all of us preparing for the game. The Old Timers don't know the full story but they can pick up on the mood of the Counsellors pretty quickly. Hence the near-silence the whole meal.

It's a breath of fresh air (literally and figuratively) when we go outside. Everyone gets started quickly on their assigned jobs. We have to get the court ready for when the other campers arrive.

Within two hours we have transformed our beach into a volleyball court - benches, lines, net, and everything in between.

While we wait for them to show up, we toss some volleyballs around. Ace and Phillip give us some tips and tricks as well.

And then they arrive.

There is twelve of them exactly. My heart gets lodged in my throat.

We watch them as they file down to our beach. All but three people (two girls and a guy) glare at us as they start their own warm up.

I quickly make my way over to Ace.

"Do you know everyone?" I ask him quietly.

"Everyone but those three," he nods in the direction of the more friendly looking people aka the people not looking like they are about to slit our throats.

I'm sure we don't look that welcoming anyways but at least we've got a pretty good reason.

"Are you okay?" Ace asks.

I didn't realize how tightly I was squeezing my own fingers together until he place his hands over mine.

"Yes. No. Maybe." I exhale. "I don't know. I haven't even looked at him."

"Then don't until you're ready."

I nod my head and let go of my hands. I shake them out to get the blood flowing again.

And then I gather the Counsellors to welcome our guests because I'm a nice person (most of the time).

Malik stalks over along with two of his buddies. One I don't recognize, the other I definitely do. He was one of the guys who was at the party that night. I have chosen to forget his name.

I look over at Ace and his face is a little paler than usual. His hands are clenched in fists at his side as he stares the trio down.

"So you're here. You know where the bathrooms are. The game will start in ten minutes." I say dryly then turn away. They don't deserve a welcome.

My group follows me without waiting for a reply.

Ten minutes later Dax is playing rock-paper-scissors with a guy from the other team to see who goes first. Bossman decides at this moment to make his appearance.

I walk off the court to say hi.

"Hey Bossman, come to watch?" I ask.

"Yeah. All I gotta say is you better win and beat that fuckers ass." He says gruffly.

I give him a kiss on the cheek, "You can count on it."

Only then does he give me a smile. Satisfied, I turn and walk back to my spot right by the net.

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