Chapter 40 : To The Moon and Back

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We decide to sue the Wilderman campers who set the fire.

It seems fit that Malik was one of them.

The police and firefighters had investigated the damages and found evidence of arson. They looked into it more which led them to the security cameras my dad had set up last summer. The cameras are set up around the cabins, mainly so we can keep tabs on campers but we never really check them anyways. Maybe once a week.

Anyways, the police checked the cameras which ended up leading them to Malik and his friends with gas and lighters, drunk off their asses. It's a surprise they didn't burn themselves. Or wake us up.

But there you have it. The culprits. Four drunk guys, some gas, a lighter, and too much emotion.

And so the second lawsuit is filed against Malik.

And Ace's parents help with the process willingly.

And it has been two days since the news. Everyday the Old Timers have come over to help us clean up burnt mess. They still feel guilty for the weed incident but honestly? It was just terrible timing. However, I'm not complaining about the help. It's nice.

We have just finished eating supper when Ace steals me away. Nobody even notices us leave. He grabs my hand and drags me into the forest.

"Where are we going, Beckett?" I ask the further we get away from camp.

"You'll see, Tuffs." He chuckles, continuing to drag me along.

I roll my eyes and keep moving.

Suddenly, Ace makes a move, grabbing both my wrists in his hand. He spins me around and pushes me up against a tree, my hands above my head. Ace leans in so that our foreheads are touching. He smirks.

"Well, that was a surprise. You got me ther-"

His lips on mine cut off my sentence. I smile against his mouth and kiss him back. Ace runs his free hand up and down my waist, his lips moving to my neck. He stays there for a while, his teeth and tongue massaging my skin.

With my hands pinned above my head, I am unable to move. And so I stand there, breathing hard as Ace plays around. He moves along from my neck and back to my lips. I can barely concentrate on kissing him back when his long fingers start to circle on the inside of my thigh.

We kiss for a couple for seconds before he releases my hands. My arms flop to my sides and I stare at him breathlessly.

He kisses me quickly on the cheek before lifting me over his shoulder. I lay over his shoulder like a sack of flour as he starts to walk.

"Where are we going now?" I ask, my face inches from his butt.

All I can say is; I'm enjoying the view.

Ace doesn't answer, instead laughing at me. He keeps walking until I see we enter a clearing. He places me down and I look around.

I realize quickly it is my hill.

My hill that I've taken no one but Ace to .

I look over at him, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. He grins then steps aside. My eyes go wide when I see he has laid out a picnic blanket on the hill. I laugh lightly then walk over to it. I see a laptop sitting on top of the blanket. I stare at it; it isn't Ace's and mine burnt in the fire.

"Who's laptop is that?" I turn my head to where Ace stands behind me. He comes closer, his hands sliding across my stomach, his head nestling into the crook of my neck.

Ace kisses me softly then says, "It's yours, Tuffs."

"What do you mean? That's not-" I cut myself off. "Ace, did you seriously buy me a new laptop?" I shake my head.

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