Chapter 24 : A Chance to Breathe

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We are alone. 

Ace and I are absolutely and utterly alone.

Aria left last night; the rest of the Counsellors early this morning. Mickey and the kitchen staff have left too, along with Bossman who is driving back to the city to spend time with my mom.

Which leaves Ace and me.


Which I've already mentioned but I feel like I need to say it again.

Ace is laying on his bed when I walk into the Cougar Cabin. His head snaps up when I launch myself onto his chest. He lets out a strangled yelp and starts to laugh. Ace shoves me off his body and flips himself on top of me. He's being mean and letting his weight squish me to death.

I kick out in a weak attempt to get the big guy off of me. "Ace! I can't breathe." I wheeze in between laughs.

"Then how are you talking, Tuffs?" Ace chuckles, his face inches from mine.

He smells so good. I'm not sure how since we are in the middle of nowhere - with limited hot water - but he somehow manages to smell like pine trees and cedar wood. Maybe it's his cologne?

"Oh-shove... off!" My head starts to pound from the lack of oxygen.

Ace finally gets off. Thank God.

"Finally." I take a deep breath and shove his shoulder. "I thought I was going to die."

"You're so dramatic." Ace rolls his eyes playfully.

"Says you, little prince." I retort, sitting up and crossing my arms.

"Ha. Ha. I see what you did there." Ace says dryly.

"Not sure what you're talking about." I reply, playing dumb.

I totally meant to call him that.

Ace lunges forward and starts to tickle my side. "Oh yeah? So you just happened to call me 'little prince'? The reason totally not being that my sisters call me 'Bambi'? Right, Tuffs?"

I can't even answer because I'm too busy squirming under his fingers. When he lets off I take a minute to recover.

"Yup. You're right. I just happened to call you 'little prince'. Definitely not because your nickname is Bambi." I try to hold back my laugh but fail miserably. An ugly sounding snort leaves my mouth as I break into a fit of laughter.

Ace cracks up beside me and we end up laying back down beside each other. When we finally calm down, Ace gently takes my hand. We end up laying shoulder to shoulder, fingers interlaced.

I turn my head to look over at him. He moves so he's gazing at me too.

"Hi, Tuffs."

"Hi, Ace."

"What are you thinking about?" He asks.

"You." The word slips out before I can stop it. Stupid, brain.

"Oh yeah? What are you thinking about me?" Ace's voice is low, his eyes bright.

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