Chapter 7: Follow the Breadcrumbs

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I wake up early the next morning, excited for the kids to arrive. We would have them for the next three weeks.

After getting dressed in some shorts and a tank top - it was warm out already - I head out onto the porch. I lift my arms above my head and yawn. I wasn't expecting anyone else to be up yet. All of us Counsellors are sleepers man. We stay up late and wake up at noon. Well, that's what we'd like to do. Usually the kids in our cabin wake us up before then.

My flip flops snap against my feet as I mosey my way down the path. I didn't have a destination, I just wanted to enjoy the quiet before the Seedlings arrive. They were always the rowdiest.

The birds and wind are the only sounds I hear now. Within hours kids hollers will fill the forest.

I continue walking completely distracted. Trees line the dirt path, making it hard to see what is around the corner.

The reason I mention both of those factors because of what I happens next.

I walk directly into a sweaty chest. A very bare, sweaty chest. I can't stop my eyes from staring at the chiseled abs. Now that was a work of art.

I stumble backwards and a warm hand catches my wrist. God, I'm usually never this clumsy (I'm lying, I am this clumsy)


Of course it's him.

"Falling for me again?" Ace smirks and I scoff.

"What are you even doing out this early?" I ignore his comment and actually take a look at him.

Ace is breathing hard, his toned chest rising and falling rapidly. He is wearing a simple pair of black shorts and some running shoes. I try to move my eyes away from his amazing thighs (they were like tree trunks, let me tell you) but I only manage to bring my gaze back up to his abs. The ones I had just recently had the pleasure of running in to.

Holy fuck.

"I'm on a run, what does it look like I'm doing?" Sarcasm laces his voice and I notice at that moment that he had earbuds in and is currently wrapping them around his phone.

"I-I" I compose myself, forcing the blush back down. "I wasn't expecting anyone to be out here at this time. Everyone else likes to sleep in."

"Is that why you weren't looking where you were going?" He teases.

"Yeah..." I trail off, "why are you running? Who actually enjoys working out? Actually, who chooses to work out?" I question, still not completely understanding why he was here.

"Well, contrary to your beliefs, people actually do like working out, thank you very much." Ace crossed his arms, making his biceps bulge.

Good lord have mercy.

I have to remind myself; I do not like Ace Beckett. He is barely tolerable.

But he's so hot.

Dammit. Shut up, brain.

"Ew. I don't get it. I mean, I love sports but... running? I'll pass." I say.

"I'm training, Tuffs." Ace says it like it was obvious.

"For what exactly?" I am confused.

"Did I not tell you that I actually play volleyball? I got a scholarship to U of T for next year."

Well that explains the ripped bod and competitive attitude. He must be good too - they don't hand out scholarships lightly.

"No. You really did not tell me that. You literally said, and I quote, "I like volleyball"" I lower my voice to mock him.

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