Chapter 19: The Hill

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"-yeah okay. Okay. Bye." Ace's gruff voice cuts through the air.

I open my eyes groggily and sit up.

"Shit. Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up." Ace walks over to the bed, throwing his phone on the nightstand.

"S'okay." My tongue trips over itself as I rub my eyes.

"You're cute when you sleep." He says, hopping on the bed.

"I sure don't feel cute right now." I grumble then look down.

The robe had loosened around my waist, opening at the top, almost revealing a boob. Oh, man. I quickly pull it back over and retie the string holding everything together.

"Don't worry, Tuffs, I didn't look..." Ace looks at me, "... for too long." He winks.

"You're gross." I shove his shoulder but he just tackles me back down to the bed.

"You like it." Ace leans down, his face inches from mine.

"Depends on the day." He laughs and I cringe, "Jesus! Talk about morning breath." I cough and roll out from under him.

"You're one to talk, Tuffs." Ace crinkles his eyebrows.

I flip him off and crawl out of the bed. A long stretch takes over.

I walk over to the window and peek outside. Sun shines brightly on the damp concrete. At least it isn't raining anymore. I turn back around, giving my eyes a break.

"Who were you talking to just now?" I ask Ace, going over to the closet.

I check the clothes to find they are dry. I pull them off the hangers and head to the bathroom. I keep the door open so I can hear Ace.

"My mom. She was just calling to say that her and dad won't be able to make it out next week. They were going to come over for a visit." Ace sighs and I hear him flop back down on the bed.

"They were coming next week?" I ask from in the bathroom.

"Yeah. They usually go to Camp Wilderman for a week or so. I was going to hang out with them for a day... but obviously not anymore." There is a bitter tone in his voice.

"Are they going to come out at all?" I ask, pulling on my hoodie from yesterday.

"They said maybe later this summer." Ace answers.

I walk back out of the bathroom. We trade spots - I lay on the bed while he changes.

"Hey. I never asked before but how come I've never seen you before? When I... dated Malik... I hung out at Camp Wilderman all the time."

"Ummm." Ace pauses, "I was either recovering in the hospital or training for volleyball. Or I was hanging out with the decent people. You guys dated after our falling out."

"Then how'd you hear about me?" I ask, things not exactly lining up.

"Have you met the guy? He never shuts up. Malik would always talk to me but I'd ignore him. Doesn't mean I didn't listen thought." Ace calls.

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