Epilogue: Our Hill of Stars

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Seven Years Later

I'm sweating.

I'm freaking out.

This is the biggest, most important moment of my entire life. Despite all of the pain, all of the loss, I have found the greatest woman in the world. And I love her with all of my heart. My entire soul. And I'm two minutes away from marrying her.

I am going to marry Autumn Tuffins.

And that makes me the luckiest man alive.

I am currently standing at the alter, waiting for her to walk down the aisle. I glance over at my best man - Archer - and he just gives me a wink and a thumbs up. Dax, standing next to him grins and copies Arch's motions. Jonah, at the end of my groomsmen line snickers quietly then gives me my third thumbs up. I fight the urge to flip them off - that might not go over well with the audience. The rest of my groomsmen lineup - a couple former teammates from university - thankfully do not notice my distress.

Ignoring the boys by my side - that are no help at all - I turn to Autumn's bridesmaids for any support. I am freaking out. Evelyn, the maid of honor, notices my stare and giggles softly. Charlotte, standing next to her joins in. Then soon my sister, standing next to them, adds to it. I scowl at them for a second before turning my gaze away. I send a quiet thank you to the rest of the bridesmaids - a couple friends of Autumn's - for not making a bigger scene by adding to the giggles.

I scan the crowd, a bead of sweat trailing its way down the back of my neck. I lock eyes with Autumn's mom and she gives me an encouraging nod and smile. See? Now that is helpful. Archer should take notes.

My eyes move to the other side of the aisle where my own parents sit. They look so insanely happy. That gets my shoulders to relax. They want this to happen almost as badly as I do.

I look out upon the rows and rows of people, all familiar faces. A light blue carpet separates the two sides and bundles of white and purple flowers are ties to the benches. The trees sway around us, a quiet breeze making the strings of lights above us swing back and forth. Green grass tickles peoples feet as they chatter quietly, waiting. I turn my head to the sky and have to squint against the bright sun. The bright sun doesn't heat up the air like usual, letting the breeze cool us off.

It is the perfect day.

The more I scan the crowd, the more I relax. I pick out everyone that showed up. Archer's parents, Evie's parents, Charlotte's parents, and even Dax's mom. Most of my old teammates, Autumn's author friends (did I mention my soon-to-be-wife is a three time bestseller?), and some old campers. Yes, by old campers I mean the Old Timers from the year we were Counsellors. Surprisingly enough, we stayed in touch.

I'm about to point out more people in my brain when the music starts. It is a pretty song, played by our pianist - a girl Autumn met when in university. I hold my breath as the first person comes down the aisle, carrying a tiny basket of flowers. Archer and Evie's daughter, Amelia, skips down the aisle in a baby blue dress. Our flower girl is only two years old but her laughs pull smiles from everyone as she makes her way down the aisle. The dark blue ribbon bounces in her blind curls as she drops flower petals on the carpet. Her parents and I give her encouraging nods all the way until she gets to the alter.

Amelia drops the last of the petals and I bend down to give her a high five.

"Was that good, Uncle Ace?" Her voice squeaks as she whispers in my ear.

"That was perfect, sweetheart. Now go sit by your Grandma." I whisper back then pat her on the head.

Amelia skips over to her grandparents and I stand back up. I clasp my hands behind my back to keep them from shaking.

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