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Dᴏᴇsɴ'ᴛ Fᴏʟʟᴏᴡ Aɴ Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ

Dᴏᴇsɴ'ᴛ Fᴏʟʟᴏᴡ Aɴ Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ

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"Alisha?" Alec's voice fills Alishas head. She looks at Alec who is staring at her. His eyes trace over the visible scars on her arms. He then looks at the black veins littering every bit of her bare skin. Alec frowns at her and she notices his gaze. The girl moved her arms to attempt to cover her scars but that only made Alec frown more. He looks up at her eyes and they stare at each other for a while. The people in the room notice this and silently file out leaving them on their own. He slowly gets up, ignoring Alisha when she tells him to stay sitting down. He walks over to her and stands above her. She looks up at him since he's a head taller than him. He has a concerned look on his features as he looks at her face. He brings his hand up to touch her face but, due to her time with Valentine, she flinched away. Alec expression saddens but quickly turns to anger. He quickly brings her into a hug, resting his head in hers. She wraps her arms around his torso and he can feel her tears soaking his shirt. "Your here, your okay." He repeats over and over again. She rests her head on his chest, enjoying his warmth. After a few minutes they pull away from each other.

"Are you okay?" Alisha asks Alec who laughs slightly.

"You've been stuck with Valentine, whose done god knows what to you and you ask me if I'm okay?" He says with a smile. She laughs slightly but it turns to a serious expression once she realises what she's done. Alec frowns after seeing this. Has Valentine really made her scared to not show emotions? He thinks over and over again.

"I'm okay." She says but Alec doesn't seem convinced. "I am." She says and he nods. They both look back at each other and Alec acts quickly. He bends down and presses his lips gently to hers. She quickly wraps her arms around his neck, trying to keep him close to her. He wraps his arms around her waist as he deepens the kiss. Suddenly, Magnus struts in.

"Peanut, I found something that can help your..." he looks up and sees the pair kissing and smirks. The couple quickly pull away from each other, red faced and panting. They sheepishly look over at the smirking warlock. "...veins." He finishes his sentence. Alisha looks at Magnus and sees a potion in his hands. Alec looks over Magnus's shoulder and sees Izzy smirking. "But obviously I interrupted something." He turns to Izzy. "Come along Isabelle."

"Wait." Alec says making Magnus look at him. "You said you could help her. Do it." Magnus nods and grubs Alishas hand, pulling her to a chair and making her sit on it. He passes her a potion.

"Drink that, it'll numb most of the pain whilst I use my magic." Magnus says sadly and she nods, not fazed by the pain but Alec and Izzy are.

"What?" Izzy asks.

"What pain?" Alec questions Magnus who turns around to face the siblings whilst Alisha downs the disgusting drink.

"Whilst I use my magic trying to get the demon blood out of her, she'll experience some minor pain." Magnus shrugs.

"'Minor pain'?" Izzy asks.

"Well, pain..." he looks at Alisha who nods.

"It's fine." She looks down. "Used to it." Everyone looks at her sadly. Magnus looks at Alec who nods for him to continue. He kneels in front of Alisha DJ grabs her arm gently. He hovers his hand over her arm and uses his magic. Alisha feels a sharp jabbing pain in her lower right arm where his hand was. She clenches her jaw slightly making Alec and Izzy look at her worriedly. The siblings stand watching as Alishas face scrunches in pain.

Once all the demon blood was out of her system, Alisha lies on the sofa with Alec sitting near her. She rests her feet over his thighs. Magnus suggested her to rest. Before she could object, Alec lifted her over his shoulder and took her to Magnus's sofa, lying her down. Alisha texted her brother Jason, still mad at Isaac, telling him she was okay so they wouldn't worry. Alec has been staring at Alisha all the time they were there. He looks at her in awe, proud of how she survived Valentine. He studies her, wondering how he got so lucky to call her his.

"You know staring is rude." Alisha says looking up from her phone. Alec blushes a deep red making the hybrid smirk.

"Just admiring my beautiful girlfriend." He says and Alisha states at him. They never discussed that before she was taken. Her mouth goes dry and Alec seems to notice this. "Sorry, did I make you uncomfortable? I didn't meant to—" she cuts him off with a kiss. She loved the way it came off of his tongue. Alisha sits up and straddles his waist and places her hands on his cheeks. He puts his hands on her waist as they continue to kiss. Once they pull away, they rest their foreheads together, both wearing a smile.

"Alisha?" They both hears Izzy's voice so they quickly roll off of each other. Isabelle walks in, smiling when she sees Alec and Alisha together. "Hey, can I talk to you? If your not busy." She says and Alisha nods. She stands up, giving Alec a peck on his lips, and follows after Izzy. She leads the Lotova girl into a spare room Magnus said she could use. They both sit down on the bed. Alisha looks over at Izzy and sees her leg bouncing up and down.

"Are you okay Izzy?" She asks the Lightwood who looks up and nods.

"Yeah..." she says and looks at Alisha. "I wanted to ask you something."

"Shoot." Alisha says.

"I know we haven't known each other for long.. but I was wondering if you ever wanted... I don't know... have a parabatai?" She says slowly, looking at her hands, scared to see Alishas reaction, worried that she thinks she's crazy. If she did look up, she would see Alishas giddy expression. Truth be told, she was going to ask Izzy at one point, she just didn't know when. The hybrid stands off the bed and in front of Izzy. Once the Lightwood girl looks up she's quickly tackled into a hug by Alisha. Isabelle laughs as the two lay on the bed side by side. "I take that as a yes?" She asks hopefully and Alisha smiles.

"Yes, I would be honoured to be your parabatai." Alisha smiles and hugs Izzy again. Alec walks into the room and sees his sister and girlfriend smiling beside each other. He can't help but smile too. Alisha sniffs and sees Alec at the door. "Hey." She smiles.

"Hi." He says and looks at Izzy who nods. "Guessing it went well then."

"She said yes." Isabelle squeals happily.

"You knew?" Alisha says and Alec nods.

"She also asked your brothers, Luke and Clary." Alec comments.

"I would've asked Jocelyn, but we didn't get off of the best start." She shrugs making Alisha smile.

"Yeah, she'll warm up to you." Alisha states with a small smile.

"Have you seen her yet?" Alec asks and the hybrid shakes her head.

"Haven't been to the institute yet." She says and Izzy stands up.

"Well let's get you to move back in." She smirks.

"Izzy..." Alec begins to disagree but Alisha shakes her head telling him it's okay.

"Let's go!" She shouts, linking arms with the Lotova girl and leading her out of Magnus's house and towards the institute.

Together • ALEC LIGHTWOOD {book 2}Where stories live. Discover now