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Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5 ~ Ds ᴀɴᴅ Sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡs

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5 ~ Dᴜsᴛ ᴀɴᴅ Sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡs

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★ ★ ★

Aldertree is speaking to all the Shadowhunters in the New York institutes ops centre. Jace stands beside Isabelle near the front of the crowd. They both watch as Aldertree speaks.

"During the attack on the City of Bones, Jace Wayland fought bravely, and thus the Clave, in their wisdom, has exonerated him from all crimes. And the chief physician in Idris reports that Lydia Branwell's condition continues to improve." He states and Jace turns to Izzy.

"Out of the infirmary in record time. Looking good." He comments making Izzy smirk.

"I always look good. Why isn't Alec here?" She asks after looking around and failing to find her brother.

"He needs some space." Jace sighs and they turn there attention back to Aldertree.

"We face a new threat. Valentine has the Mortal Cup and now possesses the Soul-Sword, two of the three Mortal Instruments. Our mission now is to find out what he plans to do with them, and when." He says and Isabelle turns to Jace after seeing all the dirty looks he's receiving.

"You okay?" She asks and he nods unsurely.

"I'm fine. But apparently no one else is, judging by the way they're all looking at me." He says.

"Jace, I'm sorry for letting them take you to the City of Bones. I thought–" she begins but Jace cuts her off.

"It's all good, Izzy. You saved Alec's life... and mine. I would've done the same thing." She smiles slightly.

"Tomorrow night's rite of passage will bring the total number of dead to 26 fallen Silent Brothers and three Shadowhunters. Take this time to grieve and plan for what lies ahead. Your orders will follow." Everyone spreads out and Izzy groans, grabbing her shoulder making Jace look at her, his eyes full of concern.

"Your shoulder still hurts, huh?" His eyes softening a bit once he sees her discomfort.

"A little stiff. Uh, don't worry about me. Keep an eye on Clary." Izzy states knowing Alisha can control her feelings a lot better than Clary can.

In the basement of the institute, Clary is standing next to her mother, who is laying on a tomb. There is a sheet cast over her dead body. "I should have just said I'd go to Idris with you. We could've left right then." She says. Just then, Jace approaches Clary.

"Hey. You okay?" He asks his sister and she groans slightly.

"I'd be a lot better if people quit speaking in quiet voices and telling me it's okay to grieve." She croaks out.

"Fair enough." He nods and looks down at his birth mother's corpse.

"I don't know why. I just don't... feel much of anything right now. Emotions cloud judgment, right?" Jace sighs at his sisters words.

"Clary, I spent my whole life fighting my emotions. Look where it landed me." He comments.

"You just lost your mom, too. What do you feel?" She questions him.

"I don't know. I thought I'd be able to get to know her. And she'd get more time to know me... as more than just an experiment gone wrong. I... I just figured we'd get more time." He sighs.

After her talk with Jace, Clary is walking towards a screen, also checking if no one pays attention to her. She types in 'Warlock Case Files' and swipes through some of the warlocks. She stops at the name 'Iris Rouse'.

Alisha sits beside Alec on Magnus's balcony. The hybrid suggested that they come hear since Alec still wasn't comfortable at the institute. She looks over the city, listening to all the traffic, people and animals, the noises calming her slightly. Alisha would cry or break down but she didn't want to make Alec feel worse so she kept it together, which probably isn't the best idea in the long run. Magnus, who wasn't informed of the two being here, notices them and goes out onto the balcony.

"Peanut? Alec?" He asks causing them both to look up. Alisha immediately rushes into Magnus's arms as he offers her comfort. The warlock feels tears soak his shirt as she sobs silently. "Peanut..." he whispers and looks at Alec who wears a sorrowful, lost expression. "I'm so sorry about Jocelyn." Magnus states as they pull away. He wipes her now tear-stricken face and gently nudged her towards Alec who wraps his arms around her waist, knowing she needs the comfort. She looks up at him and sees the guilt in his eyes. Alisha frowns and wipes a few stray tears from her eyes.

"I'm going to go and get a drink." The archer suddenly says and walks off before Alisha can stop him. The Lotova looks back at Magnus and sees him watching her carefully.

"You know what's done can't be undone, right?" He asks, hoping she says yes. The hybrid nods, confused.

"Why? What happened?" She asks and Magnus looks down sheepishly. "Magnus." She warns.

"Clary came by earlier..." he looks at her still confused face. "Asking if I would do this spell." Something clicks and Alisha shakes her head furiously.

"No." She says. "She can't. You said no right?!"

"What? Yes! Of course I did!" Magnus defends himself. Alisha groans and begins to walk out of the apartment. "Where are you going?" He shouts after her just as Alec walks into the room. She walks past him with a confident look on her face.

"To nock some sense into Clary!" She shouts back and slams the door behind her leaving two very stunned men staring at a door.

Alisha storms into the room where they are keeping all of the fallen. She strides over to Clary who was standing next to Jace. The Fairchild looks up and sees the very angry looking Lotova. Jace also sees her and steps beside his sister, ready to intervene if things get too heated.

"Tell me your not going through with it." She says and Clary immediately knows what she's talking about.

"Alisha..." she tries but the hybrid doesn't back down.

"Tell me your not that stupid? Raising someone from the dead! Seriously Clary!?" She shouts, getting angrier by the second. Clary, on the other hand, gets more and more annoyed as Alisha speaks.

"I don't really see how it's any of your concern." She states simply making Alisha scoff.

"She raised me, protected me, taught me!" Alisha shouts and Clary lets out an annoyed huff before exploding. "You don't think I'm hurting!?"

"Yeah, you may be hurting but she's not your mother! Your mother is dead! She's rotting in a grave somewhere because you got her killed, because you couldn't listen to orders!" Alisha stands there frozen, just like Jace. The blonde shadowhunter looks over at Alisha and sees tears falling down her face. He reaches out to grab her hand but she steps back. Clary scoffs when she sees the tears rolling down Alishas face and she runs off to her room.

"Alisha?" Jace asks after seeing her now blank expression. The woman looks up at him, making more tears flow down her face.

"I..." Is all she can say before she breaks down into tears. Jace wraps his arms around her as she sobs loudly. "Go... go find Clary... stop her. Please" she gasps between sobs but Jace shakes his head, not wanting to leave the girl. Isabelle, after seeing Clary run from the room, rushes down and sees her future parabatai and brother standing there alone.

"Alisha?" She asks carefully after hearing sobs. They turn and see Izzy rushing towards the girl. She wraps her arms around the Lotova as she sobs. Jace looks at Alisha and reluctantly nods, rushing after Clary. Izzy says words of comfort to the hybrid as her sobs die down.

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