Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Xavior's POV

"I love you..."

I watched as the psychotic killer cried over Blare. I was too shocked to move.

Who was he? How long has he known Blare? Why didn't Blare tell me anything? Are they both together? What in the name of might is happening?

I snapped out of my trance. I didn't have time for all these questions. This psycho just fucking stabbed Blare and now she's dead.

Or is she?

"What've you done you jerk..."

He looked up at me, his eyes a tint of red due to his recent sobbing. I got the courage to get up and grab him by his hoodie, "WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE?!?" I gave him a good punch on his face. He looked up at me angrily. He was about to say something but I guess he decided not to.


"Pull the knife out.." I said firmly. And surprisingly he listened. He slowly pulled the bloody knife out and set it on the floor. "Give her to me."

He looked at me and let out a short growl but I wasn't affected this time. "NOW!"

He handed her to me after giving me a 5 second death glare. I held her like she was gonna break any moment. Then I set my ear to her chest. I saw the psycho flinch but I didn't bother. I had to do this.


My eyes widened. I tried listening again.

The sound of her heartbeat was there. And I hope I wasn't going psycho like the guy over there.

She's alive?

I slowly got up and looked at him, "She's still alive."

His eyes widened, "Sh-she is...?"

"Yeah but her heartbeat is slowing down and she's turning cold. We need to get her to the nearest hospital as fast as we can. Any ideas?"

He frowned, "You mean she wouldnt make it if you'd drive her there?"

I sighed, "She would but I didn't bring my car. I came walking here."

"What a waste..."

"Well your brain is a waste since you already predicted that she's dead even thought you didn't check her pulse."

We both started glaring at each other. I wanted to punch this guy so bad that it would send him flying to another planet. But we had no time to fight. And we both knew it. He spoke first, "I'll take her to the hospital."

"No I'll take her to the hospital. If people will see your face, they'd faint right on the spot."

He glared at me, "Well I'm the fastest one who can get there."


We kept quiet thinking. I'm the only one who can get her in the hospital but he's the fastest one who can get us there. Then I got an idea. "Hey you can bring us both there right?"

He frowned, "What do I look like? A horse?"

I sighed, "Listen. Why don't you carry her on your back and you can pull me along?" He gave me a wicked smile.

I have a very bad feeling...

"Yeeaaahhhh sure, I can do that."

*Minutes later*

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed on top of my lungs as the psychotic killer jumped from building to building while pulling me along. It looked like he was gonna drop me any moment and my life would end. And I knew he wanted me to feel exactly like this. But I knew he wouldn't do that since I'm the only one who can get Blare into the hospital.

We finally reached the hospital. I took a few seconds to recover my sanity then quickly carried Blare inside.


I watched the doctors rush into the emergency room with her. She was still alive. And all I could do was pray that she'd stay alive. I just had to trust the doctors and fate.

I sat on a chair and waited for the results.

Jeff's POV

Since when was that bastard the boss of me?

Well I did feel pretty good tossing him around like a puny trash bag earlier but he was the one giving me orders. And I do not listen to anyone. So why did I listen to him? Probably because of Blare. He knew how to treat her so I guess it was worth listening this time.


I stroked my hair frustrated. How could I be so foolish? What if she died? What would I do then? And if she survives, I don't know if she'd ever forgive me.

How could she forgive me if I can't forgive myself?

I kicked the nearest dustbin hard and it went flying.

Fuck life...

~Time skip to a week~

Blare's POV

Why do I hear beeping?

I slowly opened my eyes. The room was dark and it was night. I looked to my left side and saw a monitor displaying my heartbeat frequency.

Where am I?

"Blare...?" I looked to my right and saw a boy sitting on a chair next to my bed. He looked scary but familiar. I frowned to get a better look. But he quickly held me in his arms and squeezed me. "I thought you'd never wake up Blare..." He whispered to me. I blinked twice. Then suddenly all my memories came swarming back to my head.

I remembered Xavior being cornered and Jeff holding his knife to kill him. I remembered me jumping in front of him and getting stabbed.

I was supposed to be dead...

My voice quivered, "J-Jeff...?"

He stroked my head gently, "It's alright...I'm here..."

"No..." I pushed him away, "NO!" He looked at me surprised and confused. "Why am I here?! I was supposed to be dead!! Why am I still alive?! WHY?!"

"Shhhh Blare stop. The doctors are gonna hear you.."

I lowered my voice, "Jeff why did you bring me here? Why..." I felt the tears forming. He pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms around me again.

"Blare what're you talking about? Why would I let you die?"

I started sobbing, "I...I thought...I could be free...but..I'm still stuck here. I-I wanted to di- "

"Shhh don't say that. I don't wanna hear you say that ever again, you hear me?" He pulled me to face him eye-to-eye and wiped a tear off my face. "Blare listen...I know I've said this before but...I love you...." I felt my heart go thump. And that was embarrassing because it probably showed the frequency on the monitor and Jeff spotted it.

He gave me a relieved smile and squeezed me again, "I love you Blare..."

I've been at death's door alot of times but I always end up surviving. It's like someone's torturing you and then once you've recovered, they do it all over again. You survive but you don't live. I knew what I had to do to make this nightmare end. I had to continue my plan.

So I hugged him back...

Smile for me (A Jeff the killer love story)Where stories live. Discover now