Chapter 6

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Yes!!!! I have my last exam tomorrow! And then I'm gonna graduate!!! To 9th grade XDD

Anyway here's the next chapter. ENJOY!!!! =D

Chapter 6

I woke up the next morning when I felt the hot sun rays. I looked behind me and Jeff was gone. Finally some peace! I got up and rubbed my eyes. I looked at the calendar. Saturday. Then I just remembered that my sister was dead. I looked around the room but I didn't see her body anywhere. Jeff must've taken care of it. What a relief.

I went and took a shower. After that I went down and had my breakfast. I looked over at the empty chair and remembered my sister. That's weird. Why do I miss her? Just then, I heard the doorbell ring.

Great. If he's back then I'm gonna kick him out.

I stomped to the and opened it. My heart started pounding as I saw two officers standing. I tried to stay calm, "Hello officers. M-may I help you?"

"Are you miss Blare Carter?"

"Y-yeah. That's me."

"Is your sister Kate Carter?"

"Yes." They looked at each other then back at me.

"May we ask you a few questions?" Now I felt like I was gonna die. I'm sure they're gonna ask me about my already dead sister. What do I say?

"Yeah sure. C-come in." They came and sat on my sofa. I pulled a chair in front of them and sat on it.

"Well miss Carter, we believe that your sister died last night. And we'd like to ask you some questions about the crime."

"Y-yeah sure. Go ahead." Ugh stop stuttering!!! Calm down.

"Are you the one who murdered your sister?"

"No. It wasn't me."

"Do you know who did it?" What should I say? Should I tell them the truth? What if Jeff kills me if I do? No. Just tell them the truth and everything will be fine.

"Yes. I-it was Jeff." They looked at each other. Then looked back at me.

"Why didn't you call to tell us?"

"Because he stayed here last night and if I called you, he would've killed me." Ok. I just had to lie.

"We've been chasing this criminal for years and he always escapes. And as far as we know, he's never failed to kill or he never spares his victims. You, young lady, are very lucky."

"Yeah. I guess I am." Not for long though...

"Well thank you for your time. And if you get a chance, call us when he's here."

"Yes, I will." They nodded and walked out. I closed and leaned on the door. That was damn close.

Just then, my mobile started ringing. I took it and looked at who was calling. Shane. Why was he calling me? After what I did? I started shaking as I answered the phone, "H-h-hello?"

"Hey Blare. How's it going?"

"H-hey Shane. Everything's fine."

"Are you sure? You don't sound so happy."

"......" Well why should I be? I embarrassed him in front of the whole school!

"Hey about we meet at a restaurant? Pick you up 6?" Is he asking me out on a date?! No he couldn't. It's just a friendly talk time thingy. Yeah.

"Yeah ok."

"Ok then. See you then. bye"

"Bye." I hung up and put my phone back. Great. Now what should I wear? I don't have anything fancy. Wait, why should I wear something fancy? It's not a date.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't wear something fancy.

Yeah but what if he's wearing his casual clothes? Isn't it better to be myself?

How about you don't be yourself for once?

Ugh fine. So that means I have to go shopping. I went out and rode on my skateboard to the shop. I looked around and saw the girl's section. I went in and looked around.

Wow. That's a lot of fancy clothes.

I kept looking around but I didn't like any one of them. They were a little girly for me.

Come on just pick one.

I dunno which one. They're too girly.

Didn't I say to not be yourself for once?

Ugh stupid head of mine! I looked around once more and found a black dress.

Well.....It's better than pink. Definitely better than pink.

I took the dress and started looking for a matching pair of shoes. I found some black heels and took it. I didn't worry about the accessories because I had my sister's. I went to the counter and paid for it. Then I went home and took my dress out of the shopping bag. I tried it on and it fits perfectly. Then I took it off and removed all the tags.

I went downstairs and started making lunch. Wow. It was already 3pm. Then I turned the tv on and started eating and watching. After a while, I felt my eyelids getting heavy. I finally drifted of to sleep.

Hours later...

I woke up and the first thing I saw was the tv screen. My eyes shot open and I quickly sat up and looked at the time. 5:40?!?! I ran upstairs and quickly got dressed. I found my sister's earrings and I put them on. I tied my hair into a half pony tail and clipped it.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't look like myself at all. But it looks like I brought out my girly self. But hell no was I gonna put any make-up on. Just then, I heard a flirty whistle. I spun around and saw Jeff leaning on the door.

I glared at him as my cheeks started to burn, "Hey! There's this new's called, KNOCKING!!!!!"

He smirked, "Well well. Going somewhere?"

"And so what if I am?!"

"Where ya headin'?"

"None of your damn business!!!" He gave me a death glare, which sent cold chills up my spine. oops.

"TELL ME!!" He said in a very harsh voice which made me jump. Wow he gets mad easily.

I didn't want to show him more of my fear so I glared back at him, "I'm just going to meet a friend that's all!" He kept staring at me for a moment. Then he finally spoke.

"Oh really? Just a friend? Or something more?"

"He's just a friend! Nothing more!!"

"Then why do you treat him like someone special and go to him dressed like that?!"

"I do whatever I want and why do you fucking care?!? And so what if he is someone special to me?!" He looked like he was about to say something but he didn't. He just turned and started walking away.


I ran past him and went to wear my heels. Why legs started wobbling when I stood up straight. It's the first time I've worn pencil heels so I guess it's normal, right? As I started walking slowly my legs felt more wobbly. It wasn't long before I fell.

I heard that weirdo laughing behind me, "BWAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! You're going out like that?"

This time, I gave him a death glare, "Hey!! It's the first time I'm wearing this so show a little respect!!!!!" He started laughing more and went out of my house. I wish that he would laugh to death.

Oh well. Gotta get going.

Smile for me (A Jeff the killer love story)Where stories live. Discover now