Smile for me (A Jeff the killer love story)

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Hey guys!!! Okay so this is gonna be my first fan fiction here so please don't judge my crappy story yet XD

But hope you like it anyways ;D

Chapter 1

I felt the hot sun rays creep over my skin. It felt warm and made me feel at ease so, I welcomed it. The alarm suddenly started buzzing. Great. Just when I started embracing mother nature. I slowly opened my eyes to see that my digital clock was showing the time as 6:00am. I moaned and I pulled the covers over me. After a few minutes, I heard my sister call me from downstairs. "Hey sleepy butt!! Get up, you're gonna be late for school!!" All these years of us staying together and I still didn't get her. If she didn't care about me then why does she want me to go to school so badly?

"Oh, what's the point?! It's not like you care anyway!" I finally answered back. "Did you finally start to develop feelings for me?"

"No. I just don't want the money I payed for your fees to go to waste!" Oh well, that answers my question. But why would she even pay for my fees in the first place? Ah, forget it.

"Oh, whatever!! I'm going back to sleep!" I said as I pulled the covers back over me.

"Oh? I thought you said you and your band had to practice for your next show tomorrow. "

Damn! I hate it when she's right!

I ran to the washroom and took a quick bath. I changed into a white T-shirt with a black jacket on top. I put on some stylish black pants and a black and white converse. I put some pink highlights at the ends of my black hair. Then I ran downstairs, stole a cookie from my sister and headed off to school with my skateboard.

As I was headed for school, I got a strange feeling that someone was watching me. I stopped my skateboard and turned around. Nothing. Just random people walking around.

Ugh, get a hold of yourself blare! There are people around you, of course you'd feel that way.

And with that, I continued my journey to school. As I entered my school, I kept running towards my class. I finally saw the door and I also saw my teacher walking towards it.

If I make it before she does, she wouldn't consider me late, right?

I increased to full speed and jumped and fell into my class. My teacher stared at me in shock as she stood by the door. I looked at her and grinned, "I'm not late! I had four seconds left!" Everyone started laughing and my teacher shook her head in disbelief. "Please, just...just take your seat. And don't make yourself look like a fool next time." I nodded and skipped towards my seat. Yeah, I didn't care about what people thought of me as long as I'm me.

The first four classes went exactly like the other days. The teacher lecturing us and me daydreaming. Except in math class. I just love math. In other subjects it's all usually theory based, except for science where you get to be a little practical. But, in math you get to practice solving sums and your mind won't be able to drift off so easily, since you're working both physically and mentally. That's why I love math so much and score the highest in it.

After all that was finally recess. I got some food in the cafeteria and started looking for a seat. "Blare! Hey, over here!" I smiled as I recognized whose voice that was. I turned around to see my band sitting. I really love my band. They were the only friends I had. Carl was the drummer, me and James were the electric guitar players and Shane was the lead vocalist. Yeah, I was the only girl in my band, but who cares?

I walked over to them and claimed my place. "Hey dudes. 'Sup?" I said as I did a brofist with each of them.

"Oh, nothing much. We're just waiting for school to end so we can stay back and practice." Shane said with the obvious tone in his voice.

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