Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


I turned to look at the girl who called my name but before I could see, she glomped on me knocking both of us to the ground.

"I haven't seen you today until now! Well obviously it's because we're in different classes and all but here we are now! Let's go get lunch together! Oh and the guys are also waiting for us so we better be quick..So what're you gonna get f-"

I clasped my hand over her mouth before she could finish and shook my head, "Ok ok Caroline, we'll talk but first, could you please get off me? We're in the cafeteria ya know."

It's not like it matters though. This routine has been going on for......about a week now so the people around us are kinda used to it. She quickly got up and scratched the back of her head giggling.

We went and took our lunch, then went over to sit with the guys. I finally blended in with everyone. Me and Caroline became close friends and we hang out alot with Kaden's gang. We always eat lunch together and talk alot. We just finished laughing about how u can taste onion when you step on it. is that even possible?

Caroline finally spoke up, "So let's change the subject shall we? It's kinda gross."

Kaden smirked, "Woah Woah wait. I still have a question. So does that mean if we step on a cockroach, we can also taste it?"

We laughed even more but Caroline's face went green. "Stop stop I'm gonna puke."

"Oh oh! So when we walk barefoot, will we be able to taste the-"

"Has anyone heard about Jeff the killer?"

I choked on my food and started coughing while everyone looked at Caroline. She smiled a creepy smile and looked at all of us, "Well?"

The group glanced at each other. Then shook their heads, "Nope."

"How 'bout you Blare?"

I flinched and looked up at her, "Wh-who me? Haha Nope. Never heard of him!"

She eyed me suspiciously, "You suuuuuuuure? Cuz you seem like the type of girl who would know."

"M-me? Oho c'mon!" I said, but my eye was twitching.

"Oh well. Should I tell you guys about him?"

I so didn't want that, "U-um....I don-"

"Yeah why not? Sounds interesting~"

Damn you Kaden...

Caroline grinned and told us to come closer. I didn't of course but the whole gang did. I looked at them nervously. "U-uh guys? I-I'm really not in a mood-"

"So there was this guy named Jeff..."


"He lived a normal life at first, but things were about to change..."

"Guys stop.."

"He had a brother named Liu.."

I stood up. I just did. And I just caught everyone's attention. I looked at everyone awkwardly and smiled. "Sorry.." I looked at the gang, "I'm going out for some fresh air. I'll come back when recess is over.."

I walked out of the cafeteria while everyone continued chattering. I reached outside and took a whole lot of air. Then I slowly exhaled.

I was too obvious....really obvious....HELLA OBVIOUS!!! I'm so gonna be questioned when I get back.

I sighed and found a bench to sit on. I looked at people around me; some eating, some chatting and walking around. Why couldn't I just hear that stupid story? Sheesh, I could atleast have a little more self control...

I thought about my plan to get rid of Jeff. What will I do once it's done? Will my crazy life finally end? Will everything go back to the way it was? Will this whole fairytale finally become history?

Will I be happy?


I slumped on my couch when I finally reached home. All I wanna do right now is take a nice, long nap. I was questioned by Caroline when I got back, as expected, but I brushed it off and just told her that those kind of stories weren't my type. Thankfully she bought it.

"You know, sleeping on the couch in that position isn't very comfortable."

I lifted my head a little and saw Jeff leaning on the door with his arms crossed. Apparently, that pose became his habit.

I closed my eyes and put my face on the sofa again ignoring him.......which wasn't a very good idea. I was suddenly lifted up bridal style. I gasped and looked at jeff. As usual, he was having a smirk on his face. "Alright jeff, I'll go to bed. Just put me down, this is embarrassing!"

"Embarrassing? Why? It's just me and you~"

I looked away, my face flustered. "Just take me up....and make it quick."

"Ha! With pleasure~"

I probably shouldn't have said that...

Without a second to waste, he dashed up the stairs with an inhuman speed.

Yup. Definitely shouldn't have said that.

He kicked the door open and lied me down on my bed. I felt paralyzed. I like to go fast but he overdid it. I recovered after a few seconds and glared at him. But he just laughed.

"Well you told me to make it quick. I wouldn't want to dissapoint you now would I~?"

"Ugh whatever..." I turned away from him and snuggled in my pillow. But of course that psycho had to ruin everything and get into bed too. I sighed, "Ya know, sometimes I doubt that you're really human." He laughed a little.

"Well I'm not like other humans."

"Ha" I turned toward him, "Yeah you're a-" I stopped when I saw his face. Something inside me kept yelling 'Don't say it!' over and over again. "You're unique." The words came out without my intention to say them. My eyes grew larger...and so did his. I felt my cheeks burn.


I quickly turned to the other side, "N-nothing! I didn't mean to say that.."

I felt his hand on my arm as he leaned on me a little, "Say it again..."

I closed my eyes tightly, "I said it's nothing!"


I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at him. My eyes widened at what I saw. He still had the look of shock on his face. But there was something else. His cheeks were light pink.

He's blushing?!

I quickly got up and pushed him aside slowly, "I....I'm going for a little walk.." Then I zoomed out of the house. Once I was out, I started walking normally. I looked back to see if he was following. But he wasn't.

That's a relief...

Talk about awkward. I can't believe my traitor mouth said that. 'You're unique'? Am I stupid?

Just then I heard jeff scream "WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" from inside my house. I shook my head as I continued walking.

But I couldn't help but smile...

Smile for me (A Jeff the killer love story)Where stories live. Discover now